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Category: Life


im always thinking about the fact that human bodies resemble the earth in ways, like how bronchial tubes in our body resemble roots from a tree. its all so interesting and confusing because i think a lot of people dont think of nature as something thats alive like us but theres more and more research and studies coming out showing that plants can 'see' and there is a particular kind of plant that can mimic what a nearby plant looks like

going off topic here, but theres been a lot of new scientific discoveries recently. especially in physics and that kind of thing. the definition of a mammal is beginning to change because theres starting to be more examples of animals who arent thought of as mammals possessing qualities previously thought to only belong to mammals. also, brains and how neurons work is being found out using the brain of a fly. 

random thing to post on my blog about but i cant stop thinking about it cause its just so interesting

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Ray's profile picture

Fr though and plants often move towards sunlight if they aren't getting enough like if you out them in like a shaded area they'll start growing in odd ways to find sunlight and I think that's really cool

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by Ray; ; Report

exactly its so interesting

by weezerfan314; ; Report