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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

DAY #2 of 7: Pull Day

Hello again, I'm writing this post around 14 hours after I actually completed this second day because I had to work out much later than I intended (1AM) because I got a bit drunk with some friends and had to wait for the alcohol to leave my system. All in all, it was still a good workout session cause I hydrated plenty and ate plenty before going to the gym.

Same deal as before, I started off my session with strength exercises, then finished off with the stair machine. Last time I had gone in for a pull day, I had maxed out at around 95lbs on the seated row cable machine, but I crushed that in this session by getting to around 115lbs for the same reps. All the other exercises either matched or slightly exceeded my previous personal best, except for the stair machine, which I added one extra sprint sprint to and really drained my energy.

So with all that being said, here's exactly what I did:

Lat Pulldown Cable Machine
10 reps 105lbs
8 reps 130lbs to failure
3 reps 150lbs to failure
4 reps 135lbs to failure

Seated Row Cable Machine
9 reps 105lbs to failure
6 reps 115lbs to failure
5 reps 115lbs to failure

Dumbbell Bicep Curls
10 reps 2x20lbs
4 reps 2x25lbs to failure
4 reps 2x22.5lbs to failure
4 reps 2x22.5lbs to failure (with lots of fatigue!)

Bent Over Reverse Flies
10 reps 2x5lbs
10 reps 2x10lbs near failure
10 reps 2x10lbs to failure

Stair Stepper
11 minutes total, with 5x30sec sprints separated by ~2 minute intervals
Slower speed: 5
Sprint speed: 13-15
Highest heart rate: 186bpm
Average heart rate: ~170bpm
Note: The stair stepper speed units are an enigma to me, I don't know what they mean but that's what the machine said
Wii Pointer #1 Tilt Normal

2 Kudos


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samsu's profile picture

damn bro you strong, keep it up bro

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thanks man, i genuinely appreciate it

by fbijailhouse; ; Report