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Category: Games

Overwatch Talk

So I've been playing Overwatch Comp and I've been enjoying playing Comp. I feel like my QP matches are more sweaty then my Comp matches, just feels weird to me. I'm mostly a support player so, I'm sitting at Gold 2 right now. I do not play tank anymore, I'm just bad at it :'s I sometimes play DPS, I don't know my placement for DPS since I didn't play that many games for it. 

I was able to get Reaper's Mythic skin. Which makes me very happy but I love Reaper. If you don't know this its because you either don't know me or haven't seen my other blog about Reaper. 

I want to now talk about Mythic skins. I kind of hate we are getting a 3 dps Mythic skin in a roll. I understand that we have a lot of dps characters then tank and support but come on. Here is the list of Mythic skins we have, in order. Genji (DPS), Junker Queen (Tank), Kiriko (Support), Sigma (Tank), Tracer (DPS), Ana (Support), Hanzo (DPS), Orisa (Tank), Moira (Support), Mercy (Support), Ashe (DPS), Reaper (DPS), and then next season will be Widowmaker (DPS).

They broke the pattern with Mercy, but I though they only give her to us is because Mercy mains cried about how Mercy once again not getting a Mythic skin. I do understand that we have more DPS characters then Tank and Support, but I still like have 3 DPS Mythic skins in a roll is kind of not good. Maybe doing this pattern would be better, Tank DPS Support DPS repeat. We'll ran out of character to do that pattern but at least its a better pattern. 

Speaking of characters getting skins. The fact that Venture still haven't gotten a skin is crazy! I don't play her but I kind of feel bad to that people who main them. And its kinda funny that Juno is getting a collaboration skin and Kiriko getting another skin from that collaboration is also crazy. 

Im not a big fan of My Hero Academia (because of the fandom, some fans just made it weird for me.) I love Toga and Uravity. I do play Kiriko if I cant get Moira during my matches (I'm a Moira main :3) but I feel like Toga would have been better with Echo, only because Echo turns into other hero's. The overwatch fanbase has come up with other character skins for other hero's and they are so good, I recommend going on Twitter and looking up to see them. 

That is all I have for now, If I have more to add, I'll add it with a edit tag or something or just make a new blog. :3 I hope you enjoy my Overwatch rent/talking. I hope you have a good day. 

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Word Key: 

Comp = Competitive Rank 

QP = Quick Play 

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