(I forgot to grab Silent Hill 2 from my PC as im playing it on a emulator RN oops but pretend it's here)
Anyways! This is my collection of games, most are from when I was a kid. My parents were huge pokemon fans so I have a lot of pokemon stuffs!
Lets start with small cart games! (gameboy-switch)
My fave to play is soul silver and Fossil Fighters Champions :3
I gave my other FF to my baby cousin (he is 6 and a huge dinosaur and pokemon fan) and I will be giving him Pokemon fire red and a gameboy SP for his birthday this year!
I don't have a switch anymore so I will probably give him my switch games too :p (he has a switch lite)
Next up! PSX and PS2!
My fave is def Silent Hill 2 (not pictured as i am playing it RN)
and Okami a close second!
My ps2 collection is mostly from my cousin who is in jail LOL when he went to Jail I got his PS2 and all his games :D (I think he is out and in rehab now! Hope he is doing better these days)
I also have many Legally Obtained burned discs of PS2 games :3
now for SEGAAAAA
OFC ecco is my fave :3, my collection for sega is small but mighty imo, most of these are from an elderly neighbor. Her son did not want them and she did not want to sell them so she gifted the genesis and games to me as thanks for helping her clean her attic out :3
N64!! I have a decent collection and alot of the controller paks, like the Gameboy one and some rumble paks!
My faves are majoras mask and OOT, these were all gifts from relatives when I was in middleschool!
NES and SNES! my NES is broken rn but my SNES works so thats good! My new NES part is coming in soon yay!
My fave to play is the Zelda games!
and finally, Gamecube. This collection is very small as the gamecube was my first console as a kid. We didn't have much money back then so my mom could only buy me a few games for it and I just haven't added since.
My fave here is ofc, Zelda XD
thanks for tuning in, tell me about your game collections! What did you guys grow up playing as a kid?
and whats your fave game :D lmk!
and whats your fave game :D lmk!
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Dammmmm nice collection!
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Just added some PSP games to it as my PSP 1000 is coming from Japan in about 4-8 days :)
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report
That's a whole lot of Pokemon you got. Also very N64 & GC collection, are you planning on growing it any more? If so, what's your next purchase gonna be?
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I'm not doing too much Purchasing for growing as I mostly make my own carts and Discs by hand at this point using roms from legally obtained avenues, as most of the games I want are in high demand and I refuse to pay stupid prices LULZ
but I would like to own a genuine copy of Pokemon stadium and Wind Waker one day :D
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report
Jon 🐇
wow, that's a LOT of games! I did used to play FF7, that and Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain were my two faves :)
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Ohhh good choice :3
FF7 is a classic i think everyone should play
Thanks for checking out my blog jon!
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report