Unliked flower, Beloved by the florist

Unliked flower, Beloved by the florist

I sat within my small pot, tucked away in a florist's nook,
Stretching my stem with hopeful eyes, longing for a second look.
Yearning to catch an appreciative gaze, yet unnoticed I stood,
Beneath the vast sky, like an unsung melody in a field of wood.

Amidst the chosen ones, with petals so bright and bold,
I withered in comparison, my beauty left untold.
Unique I was, in my own subtle way,
Yet in their eyes, I was just a shade of gray.

"I'm a flower that nobody likes," I sighed,
My beauty was not enough to catch their eye,
An endless doubt in my petals' hue,
Are they not enough for a heart so true?

In silent tears, my petals descend,
A floral lament, a beauty to mend.
Yet, a florist's gaze, a compassionate art,
Lifts me from despair, a brand-new start.

He cradles me close, in hands so kind,
A revelation dawns, a love I find.
In His care, I wither no more,
His touch, a healing I can't ignore.

"I am still a flower," a newfound belief,
In His garden of love, I find relief.
For though the world deemed me unseen,
He cherished my beauty and made me seen

For He knows the worth of each petal's grace,
In His embrace, I find my place.
Even as a flower unliked by the world,
In His garden, my colors are loud.

For I'm planted with a purpose, clear and divine,
A way to bloom for Him, my purpose I define.
Within a love so vast, my inherent worth,
I must share this love, to illuminate the earth.

- Coquettish pink

(help me tell me what do you guys think of this)

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