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Category: Religion and Philosophy

Magic, Witchcraft, & Religion as a Witch.

Starting at the start, 
im a witch by birth and a psychologist and behavioral therapist by trade~ 

Does Magic Exist?: 

Does God Exist?: 
Yes, but not the way you might think and not the way we've been taught, Dont worry we'll get into that. 

What about Religion?: 
Considering how its been "manhandled" For sake of a better word religion, much like the Gods they are created to teach of, have been turned into shadows of their former selves. Through war, political strife and just all out mistranslation the ideals set forth by the creators of our major religions has been lost or twisted to fit a particular agenda. This, sadly, has lead to the current state of affairs for much of humanity. Take Catholicism for Example. Traditional Catholicism was based not around the holy trinity of the Father, The Son(Sun) and the Holy Spirit as it is today, but more focused on the holy bond between a mother and child Jesus and Mary. The sacred Maternal bond that will turn the docile doe into a murder machine and the powerful mother bear into a loving haven or health. Though, as one could imagine, This would not suffice in a world dominated by the male half of the species and thus we have the more male centric and patriarchal version. 
Religion as we know it in the U.S. is a social construct designed to make sure that "we" are able to be managed. How else could a governing body stay in control when they are outnumbered by 90%?  Religion, the peaceful ones at least are designed to makes sure the population . . . 
 1- has a common Peaceful mindset 
Imagine if you ran a dog kennel and instead of all of your dogs acting like dogs, each individual Dog had a separate set of believes, ideals, and behaviors attuned to those actions. One dog might be pro human, while another may be anti and still another may not see humans as anything relevant at all. In a small group of maybe 3 dogs to 1 of you it might not be an issue. But in a society of over a million, having a common peaceful "Turn the other cheek" mentality is the safest route to staying in power.
Look no further than the Documentary "Bible Camp," for just how connected, procedural, and swiftly we can be brainwashed into believing anything when presented properly. Which is a perfect segway into Magic~

If we want to discuss magic we have to first define what magic "is". If we say its shooting fireballs from our hands and turning lead into gold we might not get very far. But if we temper our imagination a bit and consider that, everything that currently exists had to exist in someone's imagination first, we can start to become aware of the veil that's been placed over our eyes. 

That is , 

Weird things happen. . . 

Now you can read that statement and be on your merry way, or you, like me and so many others out there, can stop and ask yourself. . . 


If youre still confused that too is normal, so we can look at it as so~ 

Even if youve never played baseball in your entire life, your chances of hitting a homerun arent 0%. Even if youre playing with a golfball and swinging a tennis racket you can still make a field goal. 
What I'm trying to say is that Magic, like anything, is a skill that can be trained. And I know theres going to be some of you reading this like I just told you the Moon's made out of Cheese, but its true. While media, government, and the powers that be may do everything in their power to distort the reality of magic, one can manifest almost to a lvl where its near instantaneous. Ive had practitioners who can heal with nothing but the vibration of their voice and those who've actually no joke read my mind telepathically. When i asked how they learned it they simply said "how often do you actually try to read someone's mind?" 

So to those of you reading this asking "so then, how do I start?" 

You kinda just. . . Do. 

0 Kudos


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