People who have allergies in general are kinda missing out on a lot of stuff BUT THEY CANT HELP IT THOUGH? THEY WERE BORN LIKE THAT AND THERES NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT EXCEPT MAYBE CRY OR SOMETHING.
I had a teacher that was like deathly allergic to oranges and she would probably start like frothing from the mouth when she gets in contact near one. Or die. Anyways, yeah so no one could ever enjoy oranges around her which lowkey sucked if that was the only thing you packed for lunch and you had no money but it was either starving or killing a teacher. (If I was desperate, I would pick the second option.)
Anyways, Yeah people with sugar allergies I lowkey feel bad for you cause yall are missing on a lot LIKE I MEAN A LOT of stuff. YOU'RE MISSIN GOUT ON LIKE CAKES, CANDY, SWEETS, JELLY, TARTS, COOKIES, BUSCUITS, PUDDING, CUSTARD, SWEET DRINKS?, APPLE JUICE, ANY JUICE WITH SUGAR, LOLLIPOPS, CARAMEL, ETC. (I could name more but my brain wont let me think.)
If I had a sugar allergy, I would probs just risk it and stab myself with an epipen right after cause there's no damn way I aint atleast trying it. It's like those videos of people with peanut allergies and they just eat a spoonfull of peanut butter and stab themselves with an epipen right after. I mean that could be one way to do it ig.
To finish of this rant, I would like to say my condolences to people with sugar allergies. The amount of respect I have for you guys is so highly that it reaches over the heavens.
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