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Category: Life

I genuinely h8 every1 in my class.

Would the subject thing b considered click hate bcz I like 1 person in my class?.


I h8 them all bcz they're all copies of each other that don't fucking realize life is not follow the leader. 

Have your own personality, copy other ppls traits u c online bcz u think if you're like that you're "cool"

You're not!!! Bing yourself is better than being a bitch yappin and picking on kids just bcz they're slightly less attractive. 

"Oh but no body will like my real self" sumbody will! If you're happy, so what? You'll always have that 1 friend by your side no matter what happens. 

Also whatever u c on social media abt ppl lives r probably fake. 

Kys 2 that girl in my class who blames everything on her ADHD. 

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