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Category: Life

a chronically ill rant

¡Possibly triggering and/or sensitive!

Talking about being chronically ill, doctors, medical issues, hospitals, mentions of an ED, puking, and possibly self-harm

Long rant. But maybe people can relate

- I'm sorry if some words/sentences don't make sense, or if I used the wrong word in general. English isn't my first language. -

I'm still doubting whether or not I'm going to put this on private, or public.

I for some stupid reason feel an inherent guilt and shame about ranting. I just ranted about this to my friends and immediately felt not only bad about it, but I feel ashamed. Possibly, because of a years-long (7 or 8 years) toxic friendship, I "properly" ended only a few months ago, which felt more like coming out of an emotionally abusive relationship.

I'm going to be very honest. I'm writing this with blurry eyes because I just sobbed during my front-door-smoke-break, because I'm at my parents' house.

But, as I said in another blog, I think, I find comfort in the anonymity of this site. Except for the one irl friend I have on here, and if he's reading this, hi buddy... uh... don't mind me?

The thing that's so bothersome is not easy to summarize at this point.

And in no way am I good at writing a coherent timeline when it comes to myself and my life, so bear with me, this might be an emotional (for me) and chronological roller coaster.

So, the thing that triggered this rant is a recurring stabbing pain in my lower right side.

The thing with it, is that I have absolutely no idea whether or not to call my doctor about it, because of multiple reasons. 

To start; I have a strained relationship with medical professionals, that was only recently somewhat mended, and once again broken. I've been going to doctors a whole lot since my childhood. Seemingly, I came with my dad's weak immune system. I would often have really bad colds, fluid in my lungs, a torn/strained Achilles (I can't fully remember), a mysterious horrible pain in my knee, and eventually chronic, and unexplained, fatigue.

When my first knee issues started, I went to physiotherapy for a while, after a lot of doctor visits, and the continuous excuse of "You're young, it's growth pain" It wasn't just growth pain, but after an x-ray, and a lot of visits, my physiotherapist didn't figure it out, and it sort of went away.

Then came the years of recurring knee pain, locked knees, my knees giving away, etc. And with it came the "You're young." "It's -insert sloppy diagnosis- it will go away on its own" etc. etc. Never a real diagnosis.

Then came the chronic fatigue, the cherry on top which made me quit volleyball. 

(I used to play volleyball for years, I loved it. I kept playing, even when I was being bullied by my own team in my first year or two, I didn't quit because I loved the sport. But then came worsening knee issues, fatigue, a shift in teams, and lowkey nepotism... I got put in the lowest team because my parents didn't pay the organization extra money... no lies.)

I got so many blood tests, blood levels, heart rate looked at, etc. And never an answer, except for eventual wide grasps when my sugar and iron levels were a bit too low (most likely caused by my ED at that time). Always excuses, or "We can't find anything"

At some point, I also developed lung issues. And without actually running any tests, I got diagnosed with bronchitis, and was prescribed an inhaler used for short term.

And around the time I was 15 I developed a skin disease, that first got written off as a fungus type infection, or whatever. Which got so bad that I couldn't wear my binder (says a lot, I slept in that thing because of my family), the only comfort I had was under the shower, and I was cold while it was 30°c (86°f). It itched so bad I scratched my skin open, and then kept scratching more. fluid built up under my skin and oozed out of the wounds it created, my face turned into a circle, and I had flakes of skin everywhere.

I ended up going to an emergency doctor with my dad, because my regular doctor refused to see me after we called him about it, it was the very start of covid time, so we couldn't go to him, and he didn't want to come to us, and wanted to prescribe the same medication but stronger. My dad then called bullshit and took me to the hospital. Because I had the same symptoms my grandma had years ago, which turned out to be a rare disease called Dermatomyositis.

The emergency doctor said "This is the worst I've seen" assumingly referring to skin stuff. I was covered in it. She gave me medication, the same medication my grandma used, and got me scheduled with a dermatologist.

The medication she gave me worked perfectly, and quickly.

But then it was time for my dermatologist. Van der Wal, I think I don't even care, fuck that guy fr.

He didn't allow my dad to come with me inside, even though he was my legal guardian. He then proceeded to make fun of my self-harm scars, ignored what the emergency doctor noted down, ignored anything I said, didn't even look at my actual skin problem besides some passing glances, gave me a bullshit lotion, and sent me away.

When I say, fuck this guy, I'm serious. I don't care if people find him online by his name, he shouldn't be in health care.

I went back to him multiple times telling him the lotion didn't work, and every time, he gaslighted me, saying it should, and that it was the best lotion to work with my skin type and body... But if.. it worked... it would work, right? Or am I just plain stupid?

The skin disease eventually started going away sometimes, sort of. It would get better, worse, go away, come back, and still does the same little game.

The last time I went back to the guy, he once again ignored everything I said, dismissively answered my question about some other spots on my skin, and then got angry when I asked what it was. Ah, yes, sorry sir, I apologize for not having a medical degree and knowing everything by its proper medical term. It was some yeast infection on my skin? caused by dandruff??? No idea, he told me to use anti-dandruff shampoo on my head and skin, didn't work, and made my hair shitty.

Now the problem is that every time it comes back, I can't schedule an appointment with either my doctor or a new dermatologist if I wanted to. Because by the time of the appointment, it will be gone.

I walked around, and struggled, with my knee issues for years. They started somewhere early in elementary school. Honestly, I think they started when I was maybe 6 years old. But I'm not great at remembering specifics like that when it comes to myself.
Around a year ago I moved to the house I live in right now, and got a new doctor. I went to her with my knee issues, expecting to have to struggle to get actual tests and help, but she actually sent me to a professional, someone who is specialized, because she as a general practitioner couldn't help me further.

And I got scheduled for an MRI, which was a strange experience in itself.
I then finally, at the age of 20, got my diagnosis.
Osteochondritis dissecans in both my knees, and a small flap tear in my left meniscus.
After 20 years. I get the news that I have something permanently wrong with me. Something I was born with to develop. Something, that could have been diagnosed way earlier and could have gotten me proper help to navigate life.

Before I moved to my current house, I was living in another assisted living building. There I also had a lacking doctor, but right before I moved out, someone had to fill in for her.

I went to her because I was feeling worse. I noticed that I was constantly light headed out of nowhere, or felt like I was going to faint, without actually fainting.

I got more bloodwork done, and fainted (funny story. Kind of. Not really). And had to get a video made of my heart (horrible moment).

Surprise (not really), "Nothing was wrong". She couldn't explain it.

But she did inform me I had the wrong inhaler, if I even had bronchitis, because I had never even had a lung test done. But before I could schedule one in, I was neck-deep in the stress of moving again.

Then, at the one that also helped me get my diagnosis for my knees, asked about me ever getting my lungs tested after I asked for a new prescription for my inhaler.

Lung test was scheduled, along with yet another blood test, and I got a proper diagnosis.

Asthma, yay, amazing.

So, I walked around with asthma for around 5 years, undiagnosed, with the wrong inhaler.


So, with my miracle of a doctor, I tried to get to the bottom of my chronic fatigue once more, along with other issues, like me being lightheaded.
So I wanted her to test me for diabetes, since it runs in my family, but she found nothing.

And then a few months ago, I get the news.
She was leaving. The one healthcare proffesional that actually, genuinely helped me, and genuinely took my problems seriously, left.
Which seems like such a dumb problem. But keep in mind;
I have autism. (which I got diagnosed with at only 18. A story for another time maybe, idk)
I don't deal with sudden change well. Not to mention that female doctors are still pretty rare. And doctors that actually take me serious, are even more rare.
The doctor that I got put with when she left is a man. And nothing wrong with men... nevermind. But even though I'm a guy, I'm afraid of middle-aged men, which sounds stupid, but I am. They make me feel uncomfortable, on edge, and afraid. And it takes me a whole while longer to learn to trust them.
I haven't gone to the doctor ever since she left.

Now comes the thing that is making me upset.

I'm scared.
Because, every time there is something wrong with my body, like my lungs going worse, or the left side of my chest hurting so bad I can't move, or like the right part of my side hurting like it's being stabbed, I have no idea whether I should go to the doctor.
Because I don't know if I'm just a wuss, or if my pain tolerance is just weird. Or maybe, it stops when I go there, or they just don't find anything, and I look stupid and like I'm fishing for attention, or maybe it is something that will just pile onto my already too-long list of things that are wrong with me.

And it's scary.

Because every time I look at a symptoms list, like something that runs in my family, or just something I'm looking up because I'm worried, half of that list is my general life.
constant pain, shortness of breath, chest pains, frequent headaches, sudden colds, puking, dizziness, confusion, light-headedness, inconsistent peeing, cramps, etc.
And it's scary because my family is filled with chronic illnesses, weird diseases, heart issues, lung issues, diabetes, rheumatism, you name it.

And there is this inherent shame of asking for help.
And I have no idea what the cause is, or how to fix and/or ignore it.
I can't even talk to my parents about it, about how scary it actually is that maybe I just won't wake up because I failed to ask for help, because I'm not in tune with my own body, because of autism, out of all things.

And it's scary because I'm tired of constantly having to fight to get taken seriously, and tired of being discarded, again and again. Because I don't know how to stand up for myself either, or how to properly explain what is wrong or my symptoms, and I suck at properly remembering things. And it's so, so easy to write it all down, but the moment I speak I shut down, it's like this automatic wall just shows up in front of me and keeps me from properly communicating with others, especially when it comes to talking about myself, my life, my issues.

It sucks, and it sucks that this is a reality for so many people who also get ignored and put aside, whether they have autism or not.

If I do decide to post this publicly;

If you somehow actually read this entire rant, thank you.
Thank you for taking the time, and patience.
And don't feel obligated to respond
This is not a cry for pity, or attention
This is simply me getting this all off my chest

1 Kudos


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ethernet's profile picture

although i don't know you & you don't know me, common for these forum kind of websites, i do understand what its like to have shitty doctors in the medical field. although it hasn't been something I've endured much of yet, something i am thankful for, i do know my mother has had various misdiagnoses. she too deals with various health problems. the healthcare system in general can feel stacked up against your favor-- although obviously different as well, not trying to compare or anything, i know i was on a waiting list for over three years to try and find someone that could (or worst case try & not work) understand me mentally. the system is fucked.

i can't say that i have much advice, frankly because its complicated to give. i would say what you did here with writing down your words is important. when i struggle with confronting certain events or tasks, sometimes i give myself a script of what i want to say so that it may help me in that moment. maybe that could work well with you? emphasis on maybe; everyone is different. i hope you possibly do your own research to see if theres any chronic illness specialists near where you live that may seem aligned to what is comfortable for you. i'm trans too & cis male doctors can make me feel uncomfortable, so i get the apprehension. either way i do hope you take care of yourself in whichever way is most beneficial to your needs and im glad you're able to use this website as a platform to write on. its important to get those words out somewhere

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Thank you so, so much for reading and replying.
First of all, I hope both you and your mother get the care that you need and deserve.
And thank you for the script tip! I usually use a sort of list type of script whenever I have to call somewhere, like when I have to make an appointment. But I could try out writing a script when I do go to the doctors again. Though I'm not completely sure what to write down if I do, because I'm never sure what they're going to ask me. But I might just hand them a paper with everything if I find myself shutting down.
I'm personally still struggling on navigating and even accepting my own autism, and this might be a great step to do so.
Again thank you so much, your reply is greatly appreciated!

by MrPossum; ; Report