I was intelligent and beautiful, so why were there zero guys after me? It bothered me and made me lose part of my self-esteem. There was no point in having let that happen. Let me explain.
Most people are simply basic. They have basic mentality and tastes, a basic social circle, and basic lives. I've found the proportion of basic men to be bigger than of women, most likely due to how our patriarchical society is organised so that men don't need to be or do anything out of the ordinary to be seen and heard.
It is also a fact that men have huge, but fragile egos, and feel easily threatened by women above their level on anything, including looks, but especially intelligence and strength in morals. They tend to look for a partner who they believe to be on or below their level, therefore making them feel superior. Of course, this does not apply to every single man in the world. Genuinely great guys do exist. They are, however, hard to find.
All in all, you're probably single because you present yourself as someone of worth, and there's nothing that needs to be changed about you.
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“I’m single because everyone else is basic and they’re intimated by how awesome I am!!!1!”
Yeah, that’s why you’re single…
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I am not better than anyone. If that was the message you got from the blog entry, then I expressed myself wrong. What I said was that people have different personalities and standards for their partners.
by bia; ; Report