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Category: Blogging

about me suvery


i cut 2 sections out of it just because i thought they were stupid, so here's part of my survey.


name:: i dont wanna get doxxed

nickname:: syn

how old are you:: 18

zodiac sign:: capricorn

current location:: my room

eye color:: brown

hair color:: brown w/ blonde

hair type:: dreads

hieght:: short

your heritage:: mixed

what's your middle name:: noooooo

shoe's you wore today:: puma suede xl

your weakness:: my crippling fear of social interaction (im working on it tho)

your fear:: global warming

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: yea

do you want to:: no

goal you would like to achieve this year:: smoke less weed

first thought when you wake up:: fuuuuck

best physical feature:: my hair.

who is your bestest freind:: my penjamin

when is your bedtime:: 3am

your most cherished memory:: avenged sevenfold concert

pepsi or coke:: pepsi

mc dondalds or burgerking:: burger king. i think their nuggies are better.

singel or group dates:: single

what is the last song you sang:: nightmare by avenged sevenfold

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: uhhh yeah. then we could jam together

what is your biggest pet peeve:: loud chewing pisses me off

do you drink:: not anymore

ever been drunk:: yea

do you smoke:: yea

do you "SMOKE":: weeeed

do you sing:: badly, yes

what color underwear do you have on:: grey

do you want to go to college:: no

have you ever been in love:: no

do you wnat to get married:: no

do you believe in yourself:: no

do you believe inothers:: sure

do you like thunderstorms:: yeah

do you play an instrument:: yeah

what do you want to be when you grow up:: dead

what country would you like to visit:: sweden

how many CD's do you own:: 12

how many DVD's do you own:: 17

how many tattoo's do you have:: only 1 so far

how many piercings do yo have:: 3, lip ring + streched ears

how many things in the past do you regeret:: tons


shoes:: puma suede xl or slip on vans

radio station:: none

drink:: monster

car:: one that drives

place:: my room

song:: mamoths hand by the black dahlia murder

movie:: zero day

moment:: lamb of god concert

color:: red, blue, then green

meal:: pizza


what is todays date:: 10/11/2024

what time is it:: 12:30am

who are you thinking of:: ur mom

what are you listening to:: waste by kmfdm

do you love someone:: yea

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: shut the fuck up

does someone love you:: yee

is it raining:: no

how many myspace friends do you have:: none, im new here lol

are you happy:: is anyone


Take this survey ->

2 Kudos


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