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Category: Life

A Crappy Tutorial on Numerology :)

*Disclaimer!*  This is all based on a book I read many many years ago, and I have no idea if I'm getting it all right. So don't take it too seriously, just have fun with it!

Okay, so! Numerology is using the numbers found in your name or birth-date or similar to show you what you are really like. For instance, I'm a 2, and twos seek balance. Like that. Make sense so far?

So we'll start with the grid.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I

J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R

S   T   U  V   W   X    Y   Z

In numerology you just use one through nine, and nines are reduced in equations.

For example; the name Hannah would be 8+1+5+5+1+8, equaling 28. Then you'd reduce those numbers, 2+8=10 and 1+0+=1. So Hannah in that spelling would be a one. Follow me so far?

Or birth dates; May 12th, 1993 would be 5+1+2+1+9+9+3=30 and 3+0=3. so that date would be a three. To be quicker and easier you can just drop the nines from the addition, because I said so and forgot the reason. But trust me on this.

Now, what do those numbers mean? Good question. Here ya go:

1 is Ambition. People with the name number One have drive, they get things done.

2 is Balance. Folks who are twos (like me) like to lead a balanced life, some bad with the good and so on.

3 is Energy. If you're a three you bring your energy to your relationships and your career.

4 is Stability. Try to budge these guys on their ideas, good luck. They tend to be good in emergencies too.

5 is Adventure! Fives like seeking out new horizons, doing things like rock climbing or kayaking appeals to them.

6 is Dependability. These are your rocks, people who have got your back always. They like things that last.

7 is Mystery! If you're a seven you'll take this more seriously than most. They seek the unknown, love the thought of UFOs and ghosts.

8 is Success! Lucky you if you're an eight, they tend to make bank. Money likes them and wants to be near them always.

And 9... is POWER! Power over who or what, I couldn't tell you. But that's what was in the book. If you are a nine, please exercise that power responsibly. :D

So there ya go! That's Numerology in a nutshell. Have fun with it! Just don't take it too seriously, and by the way I take no responsibility for how you mess up your life with it. okay? Okay. :)

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Cryptic Jasmine

Cryptic Jasmine's profile picture

Really fun! I forgot about this and got 4 and 5. Thanks for sharing!

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by Jon 🐇; ; Report


sam's profile picture

6 and 1, hm

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it's just for fun.

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

ah im not upset or anything, just not sure what to make of it haha

by sam; ; Report


indighost's profile picture

It was a little jarring seeing my name here, ngl my birthday number is a 3!

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omg I just picked that name out of the air, I didn't know it was yours! :O
no offense, just trying for an example :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

None taken at all! Just not used to seeing my name used as an example lol!

by indighost; ; Report

well at least I spared you some addition XD

by Jon 🐇; ; Report


xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx's profile picture

my brain hurt trying to add numbers XD maybe ill figure this out after coffee

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after coffee is better :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

✰ saturnsoup ✰

✰ saturnsoup ✰'s profile picture

I got 4!

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Yay! :D

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

Sardonic The Hedgehog

Sardonic The Hedgehog's profile picture

Ah ha! This is spot on! (either by being vague or being accurate, but I'll choose the latter as I am not a square.)

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glad you had fun with it! :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report


‎♡‧₊˚amaim's profile picture

i am 1 and 8 ! interesting since i really want money rn lol

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ambitious and successful, good for you! bet you end up at least semi-wealthy :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report

things aren't looking so great rn lol but fingers crossed !

by ‎♡‧₊˚amaim; ; Report

trust in yourself :)

by Jon 🐇; ; Report