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Category: School, College, University


Note: This was in my drafts and I forgot to post it.

Woahhaah Tuesday. Today became somewhat eventful so that was cool I guess. I could use a little variety. I got ready for school quickly I was at my dad's house. I listened to some tunes on the bus ride as usual. I listened to Purples Pills by D12.... I like Eminem but I like him in D12 better... I also listened to RV by Faith No More Skinny man by Static-X, and Miss Gradenko by The Police. I sat with Billy again. He almost fell asleep so I almost didn't get the seat lol..

Study period First period of the day I spent the whole time on Soundmap. Idgaf about my school work or anything atp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

First period We started a new coding unit.. I might use some of the things we learned here on Spacehey actually.. >.<

Second period
 I had to deal with Brenden.. again. he was so fucking annoying but I leaned some new shit about the middle east in history today... ugh ( ͡° ل͟ ͡° )

Third period Math.. same old same old... except I had a fucking quiz!! I'm pretty sure I passed it this time though..

Lunch period... I talked to Aaron today because M and A were absent. That was nice. Just him, me and Emily. The old friend group. I miss those times in 7th grade. Both Emily and Aaron finally admitted to me today they thought I was autistic. Why does everyone think I'm autistic? Is it my mannerisms? Or is it my niche interests and music taste? I guess we'll never know since nobody will fucking tell me. I have nothing against autistic people, I am neurodivergent myself but I'm not autistic and I have no clue why so many people assume so!!

Fourth period
. All I did was do a quiz on the science-fiction book we're reading.. I totally aced it I just know I did. I even did the extra credit question.

Fifth period
... I listened to TOOL all class.. specifically all of the album Ænima. The class was assigned a new project... it was SOOO boring but I did most of it. It was a heath project we chose a meal from a restaurant and cried to make it more healthy and home made.

Sixth period
.. I did a group discussion on the book we're reading. This is my English class. I hope the teacher thinks I did good I mean I participated a lot. She's so full of herself that's the only problem I have with her. She probably thinks I'm a fucking teachers pet but all I want to do is get a good grade in her class because I fucking suck at English.

On the bus ride home I sat by myself as I usually do since there's less people on the way back. It was so boring I was on Soundmap the whole time. When the bus stopped and I got to the car I realized I have to go to my moms house today... and it was my little brother's open house at his school. When we picked up my little brother from school we went to my dads and then pack our things to go right to my moms.. we stopped at subway on the way. I has a 12inch flatbread tuna sandwich, toasted, with nothing on it but tuna and I also had a pomegranate-blueberry vitamin water with a bag of Miss Vickie's Jalapeno chips. My sister had some monstrous fucking sub with a diet coke and a bag of cheddar sun chips. My dad and my little brother had nothing. When we got to my moms house my sister made my little brother and sandwich while my dad and I talked about music while sitting in the car in the driveway of my moms house. She wasn't home yet and wouldn't be for a while. We talked about how NOFX just retired.. Crazy shit.. They're one of my favorite bands dude they rock. I never got to see them live but my BFF Benson did and I'm so happy for him because he's totally living my dream. When we decided it was time to go my sister took our dog, Bob, a light-colored golden retriever to walk to my brothers school while my brother and I took the car with our dad to his school for his open house. We went in, met a few of his teachers, it wasn't much. His school is small but they have a ton of cool things that my school wouldn't bother to have.. they just keep adding things that they don't need to be added and spending their money on fucking hallway posters. Anyway it was short and boring there was an ice-cream truck but we didn't have the money for it. My sister left early because it was getting cold and she didn't want to sit there for an hour. Then me and my brother walked home to my moms and my dad went home. My brother told me how he's studying WW II in class and I told him so am I somewhat still. We're 6 years apart and studying the same thing lol.. I got home. I wrote this blog for the rest of the night. I'm gonna go to bed now even thought it's only like 10:30.. not the latest I got to bed but it's late enough.. Good night!!! X3

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