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Category: Life

tired but can't sleep

it's so rare for this to happen but i can't seem to get comfortable suddenly. i at least got 7 hours but that is not enough for me i need like 10. LET ME GO BACK TO SLEEP DAMNIT-
also it doesn't help that it's raining almost constantly from the hurricane, rain makes me sleepy. 

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Well when you put it THAT way...

Well when you put it THAT...'s profile picture

A thing that helps me sleep is to close my eyes and relax, then play a word game in my mind.
Start by thinking of a word, then think of another word that starts with the ending letter.

Lettuce->Ear->Rotini->Inca->Apple etc etc

Hope this helps!

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doesn't help with physical comfort though

by vesper !!; ; Report

Ah yeah, kinda fucked on that front LMAO, sorry :<

by Well when you put it THAT way...; ; Report

it's ok it's in the past anyway, im about to sleep comfortably :3

by vesper !!; ; Report

Nice!! Hopefully you'll be able to make up for lost Z's at some point or another.

by Well when you put it THAT way...; ; Report