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Category: School, College, University


Ughh another Monday. I don't have a job or a driving permit. I'm gonna have a midlife crisis at 25 and die at 27 like a grunge singer LMFAOO!!! I went to school today... ewww... (¬_¬")
This morning I listened to a few songs on the bus ride because I actually remembered my earbuds this time. I listened to Mutherfucker by Beck, Slowly Growing Deaf by Mr. Bungle (I skipped the end of the song because it's sooo grody), Hooker With a Penis by TOOL, and Dawn (Go Away) by Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. Metal and random bubble gum pop.. I love my music taste. I sat next to a kid that hates me as I do everyday on the bus because he's the only one that actually let's me sit with him. Nobody let's me sit with them on the bus. I hate being the weird kid honestly. It sucks so much sweaty ass. Billy is nice though, he's got a good music taste too.. he fucks with grunge and metal like Soundgarden and TOOL. At least he's nice to me, most people aren't.

Study period being the first period of the day when I walked into school.. Iz gave me an apple juice.. I have no idea why.. he doesn't even like me but it was kind I guess.. he told me he banged a new chick right after she broke up with her abusive man who turned out to be a kid I know?? Crazyy!!! I did nothing all study period but play around on Soundmap, I got like 10 Beck songs it was SUCH a score.

First period I finished all my work for coding class... (this coding class is the reason I made a Spacehey LOL!!!) All the kids in that class hate me too.. they're all straight white boys who like football.. YIKES!! (⊙_⊙) Billy is there too.. but he's such a stoner he probably didn't do anything or slept all class...

Second period
I had to deal with the most fucking obnoxious kid ever.. Brenden.. he never shuts the fuck up and tries to hard to be funny when I just want to be left alone. I've told him this and he just brushes it off like I'm joking. He's nice and all but my brother in christ is he annoying...

Third period I had math.. I fucking cannot I hate math I used to be so good at it and I have a quiz tomorrow!!! >n<   ughh this is gonna suck so badd.. the kid next to me in math, Amari.. he's so fucking annoying too he think's I'm autistic so he treats me in a way like he's making fun of me thinking I won't be able to comprehend it. It's so fucking annoying just because I'm queer doesn't mean I'm autistic!!

Lunch period... I had my usual food.. the only thing they serve that isn't fucking disgusting.. Pizza, Chocolate Milk, and a Salad... someone at our table took my seat.. that's nice.. A and M took my two spots.. it's whatever.. everyone ignored me at lunch even Aaron. None of them care about me whatsoever. A left to get lunch with M in the lunch line and I tried to talk to Aaron at the table but he "couldn't hear me" FML dude. Nobody cares about a damn thing I say.. even my so called "friends" that sit with me at lunch. They all talk to each other not me. Aaron doesn't gaf anymore.

Fourth period
. All I did was read the science fiction book we're reading. I mean it is a science fiction class. But for some reason my friend Owen didn't want to talk to me at all in that class. Idk what I did wrong. I sure do wonder. I talked to my cousin because he sits next to me in that class but he also seemed slightly annoyed with me. It hurts when nobody cares honestly. Walking down the hall and talking to Owen about our project we're doing he just seems so uninterested and like he wants to get away from me. Like he doesn't care or is annoyed like I did something wrong...

Seventh period
... in my school we have a drop day.. we have 7 classes and only 6 a day.. so one wont be there and then we'll have it the next day and another will be gone. It was drop sixth period today but seventh period and fifth period always switch places on a drop sixth period day. Don't ask me why... it's odd for sure. Anyway I didn't do much in that class. I barley payed attention and just listened to music on my phone while we did a peardeck. Iz was there in that class. I mean he always is. So we talked somewhat I guess.

Fifth period
.. I didn't do much here either. I had a presentation-ish thing on the unhealthy-ness of Pringles compared to Cape Cod chips. I hate the fucking table I sit at. I sit with this annoying kid Jaymeson (yes that's how his name is spelled) and this Autistic kid Anthony that everyone bullies and makes do ridiculous things. I feel bad for Anthony but he is so fucking annoying too because of what they've turned him into. I wish these fucking kids would leave autistic kids alone I swear to god.. anyway I presented with Jay(meson) and since this is a health class the teacher didn't really gaf and just graded us on if we got the idea and understood the subject.

Then was the bus ride home.. Aaron is in my health class so we walked and talked on our way to our buses. I couldn't help but feel something so off about him though... oh well. I got on the bus and listened to music and played around on Soundmap the whole time. When I got to my bus stop since my parents are divorced my dad picked us up, dove us to our moms as usual so we could pick up our things to bring to his house. We picked up my little brother from his school and we went home to the apartment. I didn't do much today when I got home. I fell asleep. Woke up, had dinner. played roblox.. Texted Benson and Cassie. Went on Soundmap and Spachey.. talked in an old server discord mod group chat.. they all hate me lol. I had a fight with my dad and my sister.. separately... my sister likes to make fun of me for every little thing about myself and I can't say it doesn't get to me.. she also loves to put me down and make me feel like an idiot and a loser. My dad says to just ignore her but it really isn't that easy as someone with ODD and ADHD.. but most people don't realize that because I am not like most people. Whatever it doesn't matter much anyway. I'm still failing three classes at school and about to fail one more because I forgot to read for my english class which is sixth period. Whatever I'll get by. Goddamnnnn!!! It's 11:37!! Not only does that shit rhyme but it's also late to be blogging... G'night <3333 (┳◡┳)

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