xxx_129745's profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography

HELP, I CAN'T UPLOAD PICTURES!!! (Update: I can upload images now!!!)

Hi, so here's my problem: when I try to upload a picture (which I've tried THREE times now), I can't see it, all I see is the description and the little logo but that's all, and idk why. Is it normal or am I doing something wrong? I'm pretty new to spacehey and to the concept of doing blogs so idk if it's normal or not. If you can help me, I will be very grateful :)

Here's an exemple of what I mean:


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rafflesiacorpsegrrl's profile picture

is the image link dead or something? which site do you use for hosting images?

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I use discord. Is it bad?

by xxx_129745; ; Report

Don’t use Discord, the links on there are temporary. Use an actual image hosting website instead like

by Statiscit πŸ‰; ; Report

Oh ok, thank you a lot, I'll use this website then!

by xxx_129745; ; Report

i don't really use discord, but sometimes when i click on a discord image link on other sites, it just won't show up.

i guess you can try other image hosting sites like postimage or in my case, imagebam. just in case if you use imagebam, after you upload the picture, click on the image and select "open image in a new tab". click on the new tab, and copy the link. it should look something like this: ""

after that, you can just do the img src thing and paste the link. you're done!

by rafflesiacorpsegrrl; ; Report

Ok, thank you, I'll try this website later!

by xxx_129745; ; Report

I've tried both the websites and they work! Thank you so much for helping me out, I wish you guys a good day/night and thanks again :D

by xxx_129745; ; Report

Hope u can finally post photos now dude, have a nice day/night too :]

by Statiscit πŸ‰; ; Report

Thanks <3

by xxx_129745; ; Report