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Category: Music

Music Q & A

Questions from here:

Q. what's your favorite band or artist ?
A. That's a hard one, but I would have to say Pearl Brothers. I don't think they've made an album I don't love.  

Q. what's your favorite album by your favorite artist ?
A. Oh god, even harder, but probably "Pearltron" from 1987.

Q. is that your favorite album of all time?? if not, which one is ?
A. My favorite album of all time is "Natural Beauty" by Haruo Chikada.

Q. what's your favorite song by your favorite artist ?
A. "バカヤロウは愛の言葉" - specifically the LIVE VOX version

Q. is that your favorite song of all time?? if not, which one is ?
A. It probably is my favorite ever, come to think of it.

Q. what's your favorite genre ?
A. New Wave / Art pop!

Q. do you prefer listening to albums or playlists ?
A. I really love both, but albums generally

Q. do you use spotify, yt music, itunes or something else ?
A. None! I use local files and physical media. For the latter, I take great joy in recording my favorite music onto cassettes, minidiscs, DATs, etc. because it's fun.

Q. name an underrated band and an overrated band!!
A. Underrated? Halmens. Overrated? Idk... Maroon 5?

Q. name an underrated album and an overrated album!!
A. Underrated? Halmens no Kindai Taiso. Overrated? Idk this is mean spirited imo

Q. name an underrated song and an overrated song!!
A. Underrated? Sofabed Blues by Vibra-Tones. Overrated? (Not doing this lol)

Q. what's your most guilty pleasure song ?
A. "Jocko Homo" by Devo, specifically the Booji Boi version

Q. do you play/want to play any instruments ?
A. I play bass, guitar, and synthesizer. None very well. I can also sort of play mandolin and violin if you point a weapon at me.

Q. if you were in a band, what would you name it ?
A. Something vaguely silly like Void Rangers

Q. what's your favorite band name ? (not your favorite band's name, your favorite name a band has)
A. The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo

Q. what band/artist have you been listening to the longest ?
A. In all honesty, probably Trocadero. I first heard their music when I was a 9 year old watching RVB online when I probably shouldn't've. Bought the Roses are Red album by the age of 13 or so.

Q. what's the newest band/artist you started listening to ?
A. Jamiroquai! I really love the music so far - I tend to listen to bands chronologically and I'm through Synkronized now. I'd actually been aware of Jay Kay for some time thanks to Top Gear, but somehow never looked into his music before. Fantastic stuff.

Q. what's the reason you usually start listening to a new band/artist ? (e.g friends suggest them, a song of theirs trends, etc)
A. Complete whim, usually. I'll find one song or look up the artist for some external reason then decide "Okay, I'll give this band a shot" and usually fall down the rabbit hole from there.

Q. be honest, have you ever started listening to a band because a member of it was hot ?
A. Most people in the bands I like aren't exactly what you'd call smokeshows, so no

Q. what's a band/artist you didn't like at first but you like now ?
A. Devo, actually. I didn't pay much attention to nor care about Are We Not Men when I first sat down to listen to it, and I nearly didn't continue their discography afterwards. Now, both the band and that album are among my very favorites!

Q. what's a band/artist you used to like but don't anymore ?
A. This goes for a number of artists when I was a teenager but... I dunno, I really liked this one obscure Canadian group called "Tupelo Honey" and frankly, as an adult I feel genuine confusion as to why.

Q. what band/artist do you think has the coolest aesthetic/style ?
A. Devo, circa 1977.

Q. how many concerts have you gone to ?
A. A handful, in both Japan and the US

Q. what's your favorite concert you've gone to ?
A. A Pearl Brothers concert, closely followed by a Jollits concert

Q. if you could go to a concert of any band/artist ever, which would you choose ?
A. Oh, man... I think I'd go to YMO's performance at Kinokuniya Hall back in late '78. It sounds amazing enough recorded for us hear today! Though, maybe I'd pick an 8 1/2 performance from mid 1979 - what low quality audience recordings exist are amazing.

Q. do you care more about lyrics or sound ?
A. Sound, 100%. I can tolerate seven minutes of the word "turtles" repeated in varying tones, as long as the song distracts me from it enough.

Q. would you listen to a band with a bad singer if every other member was amazing ?
A. "bad" is extremely subjective but, to the ears of many other people, this is most bands I like

Q. favorite game soundtrack ?
A. Persona 5, no doubt.

Q. favorite movie soundtrack ?
A. Koyaanisqatsi.

Q. are you active in the fanbase for any bands/artists ?
A. Sort of? As an archivist, maybe.

Q. do you ever zone out and imagine epic amvs/edits to a song ur listening to ?
A. Maybe not AMVs or edits, but stories or situations I make up sure.

Q. have you ever talked about a band/artist so much all your friends started associating anything to do with that band or artist with you ?
A. Every single time yes

Q. what band/artist gets too much hate ?
A. Oingo Boingo, probably? I mean, if nothing else a lot of it gets maligned nowadays

Q. what band/artist doesnt get enough hate ?
A. Idk man, this one sucks. Whichever ones have abused someone?

Q. do you have any songs so strongly associated with something/someone that you cant think of anythign else when you listen to it ?
A. Most songs my fiancee really likes :3

Q. how many band tees do you own ?(bonus for you emos: how many of them are black ?)
A. I think five and all of them thank you

Q. do you collect vinyls or cds ?
A. Both vinyl and CD, yes, plus cassettes, minidiscs, DATs, and more.
Q. do you own any band merch aoart from tees, vinyls or cds ?
A. Pins, bags, wall scrolls, hats, info/press packets, box sets... yes, you name it.

Q. what's a band/artist that you like that youve never met anyone else who's a fan of it ?

Q. what are you listening to right now ?
A. More Jamiroquai

Q. whos ur musician celebrity crush ?
A. I don't really have one in *that* way but Vagabond Suzuki's basslines do tend to make me weak at the knees

Q. do you watch recordings of live performances ?
A. Regularly listen to them too, yes

Q. have you ever purposefully tried to look like a musician you liked ? (eg dyeing ur hair like theirs, copying their style, etv)
A. Nope. Maybe I can start wearing sushi on my head, though...

Q. have you ever been compared to any musicians ? if you have, do you see it or not ?
A. Sort of? Not really?

Q. have you ever had a music related username on any site ?
A. My very first username on Skype was some variation of JimiHendrixLover

Q. favorite lyrics of all time ?
A. This is exceedingly hard, especially given that half of what I listen to isn't even in English.

Q. favorite album cover ?
A. Halmens no Kindai Taiso.

Q. have you ever listened to an album just because the title or album cover looked cool ?
A. Lol not the only reason, but definitely why I did so before looking into them any further - see the last question

Q. favorite song title ? (not title of your favorite song, favorite title a song has)
A. "Level" by The Raconteurs

and last but not least
Q. worst song youve ever heard ? like a song that made you want to claw ur eardrums out and hit every nearby speaker with a sledgehammer until they were shattered to the point of being dust
A. "I got deported by six" - it was a hellish few months on the internet

2 Kudos


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