Ohmy goodness guys I can’t believe it’s already October like where did the time go 😭⁉️
Anyways tho, lemme tell u about my silly little weekend~
So yesterday I felt like shit all day which sucked because I had to be around people all day T-T
Like I had a marching band competition and all my friends were right in front of me on the bus ride but I felt so fkin isolated from them
I was sitting alone and everyone else was just right there
Yk I sometimes feel like I can never really connect with people even though I show them all my love
It just feels like nobody understands me( i _ i )
Today too, I went to breakfast with my dad and his girlfriend’s family and I just felt so separated from them
Like this is the woman my dad leaves me to go see
But I don’t really give a shit my dad can do whatever the hell he wants (¬_¬)
Like I went on my bike, brought my cute flower tote bag with a towel, my book, and a monster so I could relax there (#^.^#)
I laid my towel out on the big grassy field by the park, laid down and read my book (CRIME AND PUNISHMENT AHHHH 💗💗💗) and drank my monster
It’s so sunny and nice today I felt like I was in a dream >•<
I was out there for over an hour and I just really needed some time outside by myself (would recommend!)
Now I’m back home and gonna eat dinner with my siblings since they’re finally coming back home !!!
Also I don’t have a lot of hw so I can probably get a good night of sleep for tomorrow!!
ILY U ALL~ 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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