as per my last post, i handed in my application!
the gas station got in contact today -- i got the job!!! ^_^ they said i'll be starting in a day or two. super good! the manager was actually way nicer than i thought he'd be with how rugged he looks. maybe because i'm fresh meat? :P or maybe i should be less judgey lolll
my mom phoned me yesterday and said she's jealous of where i'm at, and that she'll visit, which seems unlikely considering how far away home is ;_; but the sentiment is nice T_T
people have been pretty nice to me so far other than a couple elite-y types but i'm not looking to get chummy w anyone like that anyways >_> i met a cute girl at the community center while i was checking it out the other day so that's cool. u think there's any other queers out here in the middle of nowhere?? 0.0
- hailey b
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