
yk how you see a post and the post is sum kinda bad directed towards a certain group of mfs and you realize you're the mfs they're talking about. Yeah... so I read this blog talking about how mfs are on here (especially scene kids) all always the exact same layouts, interests and everything. Bro when I tell you after I finished reading it, I changed my layout to sum that's not scene SO. FAST. (ngl disappointed at myself) but id kms if someone thought i was a carbon copy of myself. Ironically after I changed my layout I saw a comment from my moot saying they love the aesthetic of my layout and shiz. LOVE YOU MOOTIEE BUT ONE OF MY GREATEST FEARS IS BEING A CARBON COPY OF PEOPLE.   

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+Aylan+'s profile picture

bruh why do u care ab what other ppl think -_- if it really is a copy n paste layout then go on youtube n look up some coding tutorials so that u can still express urself

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pierce's profile picture

since your layout is a resident evil one i just wanna ask do you know what resident evil even is

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yeah ik what it is and basic lore but idk what game to start off with (may not make sense but I really was confused on what game to start off with)

by Fingerz_r_fried; ; Report