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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I made a creepypasta based on a nightmare i had last night.

This creepypasta is mainly based off a nightmare that i had last night!

NOTE: Some of the people’s names were changed due to them being personal and also, i added the ending due to my nightmare not having a proper ending, but everything else comes from the nightmare. Enjoy the Creepypasta!

CREEPYPASTA: A disturbing Yoshi video

Hello my name is Alex Goters, i just finished moving into this apartment with my mom and brother after many weeks of moving from our old house due to the rent increasing. We were obviously very tired of moving so we all went to our beds that we just set up into the bedrooms. We all went to sleep within minutes to get ready for the day. But i suddenly woke up at around 2am according to my phone. I couldn’t get back to sleep so i decided to watch some YouTube videos to get sleepy again. I got my Bluetooth headphones connected and opened the YouTube app. I scrolled down the recommendations, i then saw this weird video called “yoshi island” and the thumbnail was just the island from Yoshi’s Island but filtered to look much more grimy and darker. I was curious, but mainly interested to see what this could be. It was only 2 minutes long so i figured it would be worth watching, so i tapped the video and it loaded up perfectly fine. The views were about 1.3k, 5 people liked it, and it only had 10 comments. I turned my phone to its side and started watching. It faded into a 3D model of Yoshi, facing away from the camera and slightly twitching in place with a spotlight over him. The camera slowly moved to Yoshi and 10 seconds into the video, images of what seemed to be babies photoshopped into these grotesque bloody abominations with black liquid dripping all around their bodies started popping in and out of the screen. There were some background noises of what sounded like babies crying but they sounded slowed down and demonic. I even remembered one of the images at the 1:24 mark having one of the fucked up looking babies say in a text bubble say something in Spanish but i couldn’t catch what it said but it went something like “el mundo esta empezando a caer”. It kept showing more and more disturbing images of bloody babies while still slowly zooming into the back of Yoshi. Until the video hit the 1:49 mark and the camera finally stopped moving, Yoshi started to turn around slowly and as he did so, i was horrified by what i saw with my own two eyes. Yoshi didn’t look right, his eyes were bloodshot with black liquid leaking out of them. His body and face were covered with bloody scratches and wounds that were bleeding. His nose was also leaking out that black liquid. Yoshi then gave the camera a big unnatural smile with rotten black teeth, like it was added onto his model. He then started screeching unholy noises from his mouth and then the video ends like that. I was in complete shock, i couldn’t believe a video like this would be posted on YouTube. But to be fair, YouTube isn’t really known for having great moderation. I figured that was enough YouTube for me, so i put my Bluetooth headphones and my phone away to get some sleep. That image of the Yoshi staring at me and possibly into my soul wouldn’t leave my mind every time i closed my eyes. I figured i needed more answers about this strange video, so i opened YouTube to look through my watch history for the video and saw that it was gone. YouTube must’ve taken it down due to its disturbing content. So checking the video again was out of the picture, i had another idea. I checked out my subscriptions to see if other YouTubers had also seen this video too. But it turned out that most of the channels i subscribed to had started to reupload the video with the title being something like: “DO NOT WATCH THIS REUPLOAD VIDEO”. I have no idea what's causing everyone to reupload this disturbing video. I tried clicking on one of the reuploads and it just gave me the message that the video was taken down due to disturbing content. I went back to the subscriptions page to think about this a bit longer. Then something clicked in my head; “Do i have this posted on my channel too?”. I quickly tapped through my you page and headed to my videos to see that i had also uploaded the video to my channel as well even though i wasn’t the one to do this. The title of the video did say something different, compared to the other reuploads. It went: “YOU CANT ESCAPE THE FALL, ALEX!”. What The Fuck, this had to be some kind of massive security breach happing to YouTube. I started to freak out, but i took a few deep breaths and went to the hacked upload and tried to deleted it off of my YouTube channel but it kept giving me an error message, so i privated the video for now until i can get it deleted for good. I did a huge sigh of relief after privating that unwanted upload. I was getting quite tired of this whole Yoshi hacker crap, so i got some sleep. The morning finally came and i went to freshen myself in the bathroom nearby. I went to grab my phone and saw a news report about a YouTube hacking incident that happened late at night around 2am. The hacker had uploaded a disturbing video that if watched, would then hack the video onto your YouTube uploads and any user that also watches the video will also get the video on their uploads like a infectious virus. YouTube did some damage control to prevent the video from affecting other users and forbid any users from reuploading this video or your channel will get deleted. They couldn’t find the hacker that started all of this, so it’s suspected that he or she hid away to not get caught by YouTube and the law of course. I was relieved to know the hacker ain’t gonna be on YouTube anymore, but the hacker is still out there, possibly trying to get into other social platforms. The hacker will probably use that exact same video again to spread his own virus again. I’m just glad that i don’t have to deal with that video again. I even went to see if that hacked upload was there and it was thankfully deleted. If you ever see a video on any of your social platforms named “yoshi island”, do not watch it under any circumstances and report it to the authorities. That image of Yoshi still haunts me, but i’ll probably forget about it in a couple of weeks. At Least my brother didn’t see this video, he would’ve been scared from this.

0 Kudos


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