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My why ((school project))

  • .My why, 


Shayna williams 5th peridot  




Today for this assignat I was asked “why do I write?” which is something i never really asked myself. What thing is so important I would have to say to the world it like asking an poet why they write poems or asking an painter why do they paint, asking an dancer why they dance, nobody really get asked that why do they do what they do? It an complex question do we really actually think about why we do something or are we just pulled by the universe to do sorten stuff and things without even knowing what we are doing half the time Im unsure, but this is my why for writing, Enjoy.  


I believe I write to try and help dumb down and make people understand others situations in the world you might not think about. You can hear some simple words like “Oh my dad left me” or “Oh my dog die” but do you actually know how that person feels? No but you still say sorry like it your fault  for killing this so called dog you never meet. However if you get told your friend story if your friend told you the exact date in time, so inurn saying “As i was walking home from doing my groceries, I walked into the house to witnessed that my dog was trying to chased an squirrel and fell down an flight of stairs into oncoming traffic, and i swear i saw Jesus, as i saw him on the floor after not survivng be hit by an 18 pound mac donald truck ” Now that more understandable then “My dog died” since you brain automatically put yourself into there shoes, Or ever thought about the mass genocide of our childrens that happended on these very lands, You dont actually know the damage it caused you can forever and forever read statics but intill somebody actually tell you how it personally affect them, and there life your truly not actually proccesing the information. I write to teach, and create understanding around different situatins and cicrumstances I can go from ranting to policts,

iting about an middle school girl coming back to the rez to see how life is onthe rez,Or somethings i can write more fantasy's, like oppressive fairies slaves trap in an system that actively push them down instead of up or an homeless pee smelling bard elf with seriously mommy issues, Or an magical girl that been seriously injured in an fight force to retire and learn how to live an normal life away form all the fighting, All are meant to teach if you realize it or not, some people think that learning  is just talking about some statics and memorize on the board, but is that truly learning? Or is learning going out trying to bake some sort of of food making an stupid mistake, like realizing the milk was old, or that you messed up the bread dough, Your never going to make the mistake again. Anyways i write to clear up misunderstanding about people circumstances. 

I want people to be able to put themselves in other people shoes, to actually feel what is happening instead of it just being some flat thing, well i also guess apart of me writes for fun, something fun about sitting and thinking endless about fictional ill imagery people you made in your brain is also fun, laying down imaging my characters and situations, things are pointless without storying. Life is boring without that imagination, imagine an childhood with no stories. No memories, no nothing. Is it really worth living if your not goingto gain anything emotinally or like an story to share? Society would be in scramable without story telling, espicelly before colonizel time my tribe and probably many other passed down our information thru story telling. How do you remeber the brightest star? Oh well the story of jesus, and so on and so forths. 


Anyways that is exactly why i write, thank you for reading and i pray you find your reason fordoing an sorten art, crafts, or job, you have an reason for doing it that you may not see, 


Thank you <3  

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