Hey people!
So I totally don’t know what I’m about to write, but I’m Bailey and that’s kind of the whole thing. I feel like my whole profile page pretty much sums up who I am already, so I won’t bore you with that if you want to read this.
I life by the philosophy that everything is only as weird as you perceive it. That person you’re walking by on the street doesn’t like your kick-ass bright red boots? Not weird, because these were expensive and I’m not ashamed of wearing what I want. Boom, crisis averted.
Please don’t feel like you need to be super different from everyone to feel happy with yourself either. Go buy that shirt your best friend has that you love. Try that viral recipe that makes your mouth water at the thought of enjoying. It’s okay to not be hyper-unique in such a big world.
I guess that’s the whole thing, but have a good day!
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Your so real bro wth, the way u think I relate to in a way, do u wanna be friends I’m sorta new on here