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Category: Pets and Animals

Fish of the Day 4 - I got that thresher in me

Thresher Sharks are a very unique kind of shark, their standout feature being their large top tail fins.

Remarkable Thresher Shark Experience in Bunaken National Park

Thresher shark facts:

- They use their tails as whips! They can use it to stun their prey.

- Another skill they have thanks to their impressive tail is the ability to breach the water, jumping up to 3 meters above the surface! We still don't know why they do it, but I think its just for funzies ^_^

- Despite their menacing abilities, they are reportedly non-aggressive towards divers.

- They can live up to 50 years!


In 2022, I was lucky enough to see one of these guys in the wild while whale watching! It was super interesting, but I'm like 70% sure it ate a seal because before it showed up, we were all watching a seal popping in and out of the water, but it disappeared once the thresher arrived! I hope it was able to escape, but who knows.

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