it angers me how selfish people are,
or maybe im too selfless?
i wonder what it feels like to actually be selfish.
certain aspects of me can be selfish, but i cant name any.
maybe im not selfish at all.
i have so much to give.
i think so much.
my mind is occupied by so many different issues,
unrelated to me.
am i too selfless or are people undeserving of my time.
selfishness angers me.
i cant tell if im angry at the fact that people can put themselves first.
i can put myself first too you know.
but i want someone to put me first.
why do my issues always stem back to this.
was i not loved as a child?
well i dont really know what is considered "loved".
i dont think im too loved now, if anything i just occupy space in this house.
im demanded to do things from time to time, but to be checked up on mentally, without being invalidated, is something ive never experienced.
maybe thats what i crave for.
does that make me selfish?
am i selfish for craving such attention.
i dont know anymore.
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I wish I could stop caring much, about everything it ruins my thought process and makes me crazy. I wish I could be selfish it's not fair.
me too... me too T>T
by orchid; ; Report