1. Meltdown

Meltdown is a bit of a rogue, being sympathetic to both the Decepticons and the Autobots. He's a private mercenary, having been assigned to protect various individual bots and scouting parties. His alt form is a Mercedes Benz Actros G1, and he carries a mix of deadly chemicals in the tank on his back with the nozzle guns on his thighs hooked up to it. He sprays these during battle, and also emits radiation and toxic fumes. Most bots view him as a dangerous monster, and humans are terrified of him. He really hates this about himself, and doesn't want to be just a smelly toxic waste truck to everyone. He and Aniline are best friends.
2. Aniline

Aniline isn't directly involved in the war, but strongly supports the Decepticons due to her hatred of humans. She hates humans because she was abused by them- an airline took her in and basically ruined her health and forced her to constantly sing and dance to promote them. After that she realized that humans are horrible to machines, and didn't want anything to do with them. Despite how much she hates humans, she usually keeps these opinions to herself, not wanting to start fights.
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Shack Man
Meltdown kinda reminds me of Lockdown from both TF:Animated and Age of Extinction. He's cool!
Ooh I can see it! (Had to look him up)
I'm really glad you liked him ^^
I'm planning on making some more. I'd draw their alt forms but I have no idea how to draw cars or planes aghhh
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