been a while huh, like a month i think?
i should probably start labeling the titles differently so people who aren't from america don't get confused
god im so sick of it
if you missed last month's life update i'm in a program where you take college classes for junior/senior year and you graduate high school with a free 2 year college degree
i know its only been like 5 weeks since it started but god i've just been so tired with the workload
usually i can barely apply myself in school and get good grades but i'm actually trying this year and i am not pulling the grades that i want
i'm glad that i have a relatively good GPA going in to this because coming out of it its gonna be bruised
we have our first orchestra concert next thursday, even tho im not ready for it i'm pretty excited because god the tryout orchestra sounds millions of times better than the mainstream one (i feel bad saying that but i know that its true)
having this stacked with robotics is not fun. nobody can agree on a design and since pretty much all i do is programming i cant do jack until we have a good design and its built
might be the last post with this section for a while, i plan on giving my 2 weeks tomorrow just because man i cant keep doing this with school
either way im outta money... i spent it all on a new pc (its fuckin awesome) but now i have like no money
gonna have to figure out how to stretch like 200 dollars out until summer with my retail habits (im sorry sometimes places have nice clothes that i want)
ive been trying to branch out and listen to more artists
public playlist for 2024 so far (link)
i finished my latest song, i'm just waiting on some ost art that i commissioned to post it on youtube
other than that i have like no time to do anything im actually passionate about anymore : (
i got the worst fuckin haircut of my life recently,,, it doesn't look bad but it got rid of all my long hair which i really liked
kinda sucks cause i was gonna go as a satyr for halloween but with short hair it just doesn't hit the same
also i can wear earrings now but they hurt my ears when i put them in and take them out
my studs fell down the drain : (
thanks for reading, a lot happened last month
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aw man i'm sorry you're dealing with so much right now that sounds super tough
hopefully not working anymore will lighten the load a little at least
good luck with everything and i hope you get to take a break soon!
thanks dude, i really appreciate it
by AGNAB; ; Report