Heyy! Vicky here!!!
Here is a guide to getting blood (fresh AND dried) out of your clothes! So for those ladies, gents, and all in between out there who constantly get nosebleeds, periods, or anyone who just need to get blood out of your clothes quick, LISTEN UP!!!!!!
There are a variety of ways you can get blood off of clothes, such as the use of baking soda, or vinegar.Β
I will only be providing the method using hydrogen peroxide (the method I usually use lol).Β
- Hydrogen peroxide (particularly 20 volume, or salon grade, as they can get it out the best
- fabric safe bleach
- household ammonia
- cleaning detergent
Fabric tips:
-when cleaning blood from jeans, turn the jeans inside out
-NEVER use HOT water on the stain as it can cook/cement the stain into your fabric, making it 10x harder in getting it out.
-remember to take off the clothes before working on removing the stain lol
-it is recommended to use a sponge or damp cloth/rag to help get stains out of delicate clothing (usually during the cold water soaking/under running water process)
-do not scrub or rub the fabric no matter fresh or dried as it can lead to the stain expanding.
-use cleaning detergent appropriate to the clothing/fabric type you are cleaning (Such as tide or Persil).
Fresh Blood:
It is best to try and clean out the blood when it is fresh. Immediate treatment is highly recommended when cleaning blood stains!
Steps:- Soak or rinse blood stain with cold water to push some (but not all) blood out of the fabric. (Good for delicate fabrics)Β
- Spray the clothing with hydrogen peroxide.
- Put it in the washer normally using the COLD WATER setting
- Do not put it in the dryer until you are completely sure that the stain is removed after washing.
Dried Blood:
For those that are going through their time of the month, dried blood can be an absolute pain to get out!
When using hydrogen peroxide, it takes a lot longer for the stain to get out
Steps:- Spray clothing with hydrogen peroxide (due to the blood being dried this time, the spray will have a slower reaction/foam as much as it would with fresh blood.)
- let it sit for up to an hour or more to let the hydrogen peroxide to break down the rest of the stain. Occasionally spray/keep adding hydrogen peroxide every so often (20 minutes).
- Thoroughly rinse with cold water.
- Apply household ammonia (diluted ammonia) to clean any residual blood from the article of clothing, remember to agitate the ammonia by scraping it with something hard (the edge of a spoon, butter knife, etc)
- after ammonia treatment put the clothes in the washer normally using the COLD WATER setting
- Do not put it in the dryer until you are completely sure that the stain is removed after washing.
(Optional steps if previous tutorials did not work):Smaller stains:
For smaller stains the procedure requires less steps than for medium stains. this is mainly good for FRESH blood stains.
- Pour liquid detergent over small stain on fabric (UNLESS your detergent product says otherwise)
- use water to agitate the detergent into working
- scrub the detergent over stain with either a firm bristled toothbrush or your finger to work the detergent gently into the stain. (if your fabric is delicate, then rather than scrubbing it just simply soak the garment.)
- let the garment sit for 15-30 minutes depending on the stain
- if the stain on the fabric either appears to have greatly reduced or is gone completely, rinse the fabric and then throw it in the washer with the heat setting turned to COLD WATER.
- Do not put it in the dryer until you are completely sure that the stain is removed enough.
If any of these methods DO NOT WORK or the material you're cleaning is too delicate and you do not want to risk it getting ruined/destroyed, please take it to the dry cleaner and get professional stain removal services for the stain.
If there are any kinds of inaccuracies or mistakes in my post about the cleaning procedure, please let me know so I can update this post later! (β_β;)
This blog is made for educational purposes on how to clean out blood from fabric.
These steps are sourced from educational websites about said topic.
I will not be held responsible for this blog being taken and used in any nefarious way.Β
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does this work for other people's blood in my clothes asking for a friend
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