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Category: Games

(Tutorial) PCSX2 Physical Media on Linux

Are you tired of dumping your Disc Iso files? Do you want your games to just work right from the DVD player? Are you new to linux and just tired and want an easy fix that doesn't require 700 thousand github releases and compiling your own plugins?

I got you.
For context, my specs

This is assuming you have a CD player, you have already dumped your PS2 Bios and have set PCSX up or know how to.

You go to the PCSX site, download the latest flatpack, set it up annndd...

uhh... Your disc drive is mounted and your game is in yet... nothing? The latest PCSX version does NOT come with a CD/DVD plugin, and lets be honest, compiling one yourself is a pain in the ass, I just want to play silent hill 2 damn you!

well good news, if you aren't worried about having all the newest bells and whistles on PCSX, this is an easy fix.

go to their site and download Version 1.6.0, it's only available as an appimage

Dyrk! I don't know how to use an appimage, I use snap and flatpack for installing everything!

I got you :)

download and place the files where you want it, then go to its properties.

copy this and open a terminal- It's only one step don't worry!

in the terminal, add your files name at the end of the string we copied. like so!

now press enter and go trhough PCSX setup

Once it's set up, go under config, to plugins
locate the CDVD line and set it to this

while doing this don't forget to set up your sound plugin!

and congrats your PS2 games can now run straight from your CD player :)

Ta-daaa! Enjoy gaming! :)

2 Kudos


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