Hello, my name is Jorge. As you probably saw in my "About Me" section, I am a person who enjoys anime, manga, PC gaming, computers, programming, and electronics. However, I believe I am much more than that; I define myself not only by what I do but also by my ideas, reflections, and opinions.
Conventional social media platforms have strayed from their original purpose. What started as platforms for sharing ideas and creating genuine relationships has transformed into a system that seeks to control us. They seduce us with algorithms designed to capture our attention, bombarding us with content we do not actively choose, but which slowly begins to shape our perceptions and emotions.
This is one of the reasons why I am here. Months ago, I decided to distance myself from conventional social media, with algorithms and doomscrolling that lead you to consume uncontrollably and waste too much time. There is nothing wrong with consuming content, but most social media platforms today are designed to control you and make you consume excessively.
I am going to start being more active here and probably also on Mastodon. I want to begin sharing my ideas, reflections, thoughts, and opinions, and occasionally write blogs. I am a bit shy, and I think this will also help me overcome my shyness.
Freedom ends where conscience ends.
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I admire your spirit Joris,
I agree with the sentiments you are putting forth and aspire to contribute to my online circles in the direction of development that is aligned with these notions of critical, mindful, so to speak productive sharing of ideas and resources, and media consumption.
I believe that algorithms in social media and short form content are weapons of war. Information war, that aims to further consumerist agendas and deepen the degree of control that corporations, industries, and governments hold over people. While I consider myself politically unaligned, I believe that these machinations pose a serious threat to Human liberty. What has already been wrought to enslave Humanity to those in the prosperous conditions amongst the inequities of the world is being furthered in a very surreptitious, mendacious, and salacicious fashion by platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. And the majority of the most valuable targets of such agendas are indeed seemingly affluent and carefree. Thus they are ripe ripe fruits for the picking to be financially controlled through the subversion of their beliefs and world views by these utterly dementing social media algorithms and their inane content.
And such is the nature of the masterful weapon we contend that it propagates itself in virality. Inculcated persons are rapidly zealified and solidified in their allegiance and contentment. Indeed, too, you are unable to as much as view a TikTok reel without creating an account and allowing the corporation access to your data. The scale of the infection is blithering, and people of minds such as yourself are perhaps some of the few bastions of hope for the Human liberty and spirit.
Indeed must we too assume a viral nature in order to combat such viral obstacles. Sew all manners of discord and disrupt the beliefs of the inculcated of the opposing allegiance. Indeed take care in such endeavours in alignment with your own morality, however always be steadfast to remember your goals, be they liberation, joy, or what else, for whoever. For to master being we must become, and if a virus is what we seek to level balanced then perhaps viral we must become in our tools of strategic effort.
Best Regards,
That's right, social media have become a very discreet weapon to control and manipulate, it is not the only way but it is the most discreet and viral and in my opinion another one that is a big and discreet monster is the p*rn, that could be a good topic for another blog.
by Joris; ; Report