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Category: Life

oct 4th 2024: how to make life go slower?

life goes by so fast. what the fuck. how is it already october. recently i heard a song that reminded me of when i was a kid, like around 2015, and i just sat there thinking "damn, i wish life could be that simple again". really it can, but we just make it more dificult than it should be. thats kind of why im ditching pretty much all social media except this site (which i may have to ditch as well). it just sucks so much energy out of your life. i feel like the key to making life go slower is to be mindful and enjoy the moment. so many people get on the bus or something and immediately they just scroll tiktok or listen to music, ignoring everything around them. a lot of people live for the weekend and break their life into small parts of life they have to "get through" and they repeat it so much that boom... 5 years have gone by and youre still on the same shit. but at the same all of this is inescapable. if you dont plan your days and weeks youre gonna end up very unorganized, not managing your time right, which is eventually gonna make your life miserable. i guess its about balance and discipline. idk. 

yo off topic who tf listens to p diddy apart from that one song where he sampled the police

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Digital Cheese

Digital Cheese's profile picture

There (unfortunately) isn't a way to slow how the lifespan works to double it or anything like that, although it is pretty easy to make even an hour last you forever without boring yourself to death.

- Avoid any and all watching of television or listening to music, except maybe instrumental stuff, which is good for one anyways albeit for different reasons. In fact, anything which is a *complete* waste of time should probably be avoided or reduced heavily. I would firstly get anything done you've wanted to do for a while but procrastinated on, if you have anything important to do that is not required to wait. Then, I would begin actually thinking of things to do. An hour per day of free-time even can be useful, let alone if you are lucky to have several hours free. Of course the hour has to be used very efficiently, but an hour can get a lot done.
- Entirely disconnect from the internet when you are outside the home (no phone or only a throwaway for emergencies). When you are inside your home, go online for whatever it is, then go offline. Some stuff justifies being 24/7 connected, but if you don't run anything which is good to stay on 24/7, just shut-down your entire computer. If you don't want to shut-down your computer, make it so everything you need can be accessed offline so the internet is only necessary for things such as receiving+sending emails, not writing a text-document.
- If you need something to be online 24/7, just make sure it doesn't require constant attention, such as a simple nginx webserver, and also, that device which stays on 24/7 should be doing something extremely useful. All of what has been listed can be pardoned if it is job-related, or if there is something else I am missing that truly has 0 work-arounds and hasn't been listed or implied.
- Also, time is money and money is time, not even joking. Every penny you get should be put into making yourself less reliant on money and society in general. While I wouldn't expect one to just randomly start a farm, which is quite a lot of work anyways (but realisitically, very worth it if the harvests go well), it would probably be good to stockpile food with mason jars, and maybe even vacuum-seal then deep-freeze certain food. Would cost some monies, but would also prepare you if something happened. Preferably try to find somewhere the food is cheaper yet healthy and not expired, some food which has to be frozen and other food which can sit in a jar without air, basically. And also be able to reseal the jar and remove all the air unless you got entirely jars small enough to not need to do something like that ofc. This will take some time, but after a while, you either will have a stockpile for the fall of civilization or will not have to go to the store, and realistically, the food will be better anyways, which will probably make you at least slightly healthier depending on what you currently eat, yea at this point this one is starting to become more of a survivalist than cutting down on wasted time but you get the point, sometimes it may take time but if it significantly saves future time then it becomes worth it.

You could also do some stuff like go semi-minimalist I guess, but most of what I can think of saving time beyond very basic stuff has to be done perfectly to not save time, or it will more likely not save time (but at least it will still help out regardless, as having several months or even years of food can be very useful in bad situations).

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Chintoes's profile picture

I deadass only read the last part but how did diddy actually become so prominent tho like wtf

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he like sold a few cds i think

by mimo; ; Report

a good person no but damn could he sell a cd

by Chintoes; ; Report