I have a lot of issues with certain textures. One of the worst ones for me is craft felt, which just so happens to be a material I have to use for an art project in a class. I actually care a lot about my grade in this class, so I'm trying to figure out a work around.
Idk what to do, and everybody I've asked for advice on this has either told me to suck it up, or just doesn't understand my problem :[
The only solution I can think of is to wear gloves, but I think that'd get me bullied so hard, and I'm really trying to avoid that rn.
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Chaos Conspiracies
have u tried the clear gloves like put em on b4 u even go 2 class so ppl wont notice u wearing any? it cud help possibly
Maybe!! I'll try that monday :p
by Nιƙα; ; Report