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Category: Pets and Animals

Bird of Today: Great Frigatebird 10/4/24

The Great Frigatebird is a large seabird majorly distributed around the Tropical Pacific Ocean, such as the Galápagos Islands and Hawaiian Islands. Smaller populations may be found in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic. Frigatebirds are recognized by their sleek black plumage and light builds. Females are generally larger than Males, and have a white throat and chest. During mating season, Males are easily distinguished by their bright red gular sacs, which are used during courtship.

Frigatebirds forage within fifty miles of the breeding or roosting areas, diving down to take prey mid-flight from above or beneath the surface of the water. Flying Fish make up the majority of their diet, though they will also take squids and other fish species. Frigatebirds will often take advantage of Dolphin hunting tactics, snatching fish from schools pushed to the surface.

A video of the Great Frigatebird's bizarre courtship display.

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