Splatoon overtook my life !!

haiii, so uh im not sure how to start this off! But i recently found out about this and thought it was cool so here i ammm!~


Well, onto the actual point ! Ever since I finally gave into my friends asking me get get Splatoon its changed me as a person! Like damn, who was I before this? Getting into the fandom and everything was easy too! Everyones so nice, or mostly niceee! The musics such a banger, espically deep cut! I love love love into the light or Ebb and flow!! hell all of Pearl and Marinas songs are good! I already have side order and amiibos ordered even thought they're being shipped from a bit far away and will take like foreverrr T^T but but, itll be worth it in the end! too anyone who hasn't played splatoon I really really recommend it, I swear it'll change your life!! ><

ending this yap session off, moral of the story. Splatoon. Changes. Lifes.

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