The Power of Owning Your Stuff

I think everyone underestimates how good it is to own things. Where do you listen to music, watch movies, store files, use email, or socialize online? Chances are, a lot of these are things you pay a monthly fee for, or worse, they are free because they sell your personal information and bombard you with advertising.

What happened to owning your stuff? Owning your own music, movies, or even just a home storage drive? Some of these are trickier, I'll admit... hosting my own email server is probably never gonna happen, yet at the same time, I have hard time forking money over to an email provider that will honour my privacy.

What about social media? Well, the easy answer is that it does more harm than good. I'd love to cut it out of my life entirely... yet, that also could be at the cost of many relationships that hinge on communication via a certain platform. I honestly don't know what to do there.

Anyways, if you managed to read this whole rambling, koodos to you and hello from this side of the interwebs.


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Solace's profile picture

I've been trying to quit spotify for a long time (I pay for it every month unfortunately..)
I find it difficult. CDs are treated like some rare lost media and most artists these days don't even bother to make them. One of my only hopes is my MP3 player ..but I'm still trying to find a site where I can download music without getting 34 viruses.

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