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ITS FINALLY OCTOBER!!! YAYAYAYYAY!! But it still hasn't been looking like fall just yet where i live but it has been feeling like it!! its been getting pretty cold in the morning, and in like the 70s in the afternoons so thats good. Last weekend i also got some fake ugg boots for the fall!! i wore them once this week but i feel like its still not fall enough to wear them yet...

i had a cross country meet yesterday and omg when i got to school i realized i forgot my uniform! and i cant compete without it! so during lunch i called my mom in the office (which had a long line for some reason??) and she didn't answer... so i just texted her and she brought my uniform! On the way to the meet on the bus, the boys were playing music really loud on a speaker they brought.... um. Anywayss when we got to the meet, the course looked okay but when i started it was really bad i mean it wasn't THAT bad but it was hot so its was bad to me. But the good thing is i got 1 minute less then my time from the last meet so that's good! then after that i went to youth group and it was nice we just read the gospel and learned more about Jesus and felt so cleansed after!

After, i went home and was EXUAHSTED and ate some fall cookies i made, and watched gilmore girls!

i hope all you queens have a blessed day!!


omg also its mean girls day today!!!! i wore pink yesterday and today but no hottie asked me what day it was today... oh well💋

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