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Category: Games

Ecco The Dolphin

I'm not the first person to say that Ecco was ahead of it's time..
Originally releasing in 1992 on the Sega Mega Drive, Ecco was a game about Dolphins like no other.
I've played through all but Ecco Jr. and I am enamored by the surreal soundtrack paired with stunning sprite work and uncanny story telling.
Ecco the Dolphin is unsetttling, strange, confusing, and beautifully crafted. You're simply plopped into the world, able to freely jump, swim, and spam that iconic dolphin sonar. When I first played Ecco, I was maybe 6 or 7 at the dentist office, they had a Sega Genisis setup in a little arcade cabinet that my mom had to practically rip me from. The way Ecco effortlessly glided through the water, lept through the air, and smashed into enemies was more entertaining to me than actually trying to get through the first stage.
Ecco's movement was revolutionary, and in my opinion, still is. No other Dolphin game has captured the finesse and silky smooth feeling of Ecco's Precalculated Sinewaves. Ecco The Dolphin Online has a wonderful article all about the sinewaves Here.
I am not the most techincal and I don't understand the math, so that article can fill in those who have more mathmatical Know-How...
What I am very interested in and inspired by is Ecco's Music and Art. The music score is done by Spencer Nilsen who created this etheral and mysterious tracks. The fact these tracks are from the Genisis is what astounds me, such limited tech, yet such layered and resonating tracks. My favorite track is from Tides of Time, Jurassic Beach. The ominous beggining and rougher sounds contrast to the typically light and airy tracks of Ecco.
The art is another unique feature of Ecco, I sadly am having trouble finding the artists who worked on Ecco. I vaugly remember hearing something about him being very young, and this being his first big project. The artist creates such impressive sprites, from the wonderfully whimsicle purple backgrounds, to capturing detail in the smallest sea creatures. Ecco looks amazing, life-like in a way. Each pixel was placed with purpose in creating an almost 3D shape. The game doesn't look like it belongs on a Sega Genisis, but rather a DS or DSI generation consle.
I find Ecco's world to be so intriguing, a world where maybe humans are present, unaware of the ones protecting them. The abusirtity of Dolphins time travelling and fighting alien evil feels natural in Ecco's setting. The surreal tracks overlaid equally etheral backgrounds and imagery just makes Ecco work.
I don't know if Ecco was intended to be a surreal expirence, or simply just a fun game, but it's always one of my go to games when I'm sick.

Sometimes I just like to swim in circles on the first level enjoying the wonderfully realistic Sine wave jumps.

-Sincerly a Wolf on the Web

4 Kudos


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