Name:: | Peyton/Galaxy/Mercury/Jinx | |
Nickname:: | none really | |
How old are you:: | 26 | |
Zodiac sign:: | Virgo | |
Current location:: | My house | |
Eye color:: | blue | |
Hair color:: | blue | |
Hair type:: | dirty? | |
Height:: | 4'10 | |
Shoe's you wore today:: | work tennis shoes | |
Your weakness:: | sweets and weed. | |
Your fear:: | being cheated on | |
Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: | yes | |
Do you want to:: | maybe | |
Goal you would like to achieve this year:: | learn to drive but probably wont | |
First thought when you wake up:: | what time is it | |
Best physical feature:: | eyes | |
Who is your bestest friend:: | my bf | |
Your most cherished memory:: | last memories of my mom and grandpa | |
Pepsi or Coke:: | pesi | |
Mc donalds or Burgerking:: | mcdonalds | |
Single or Group dates:: | single | |
What is the last song you sang:: | Bullet with butterfly wings | |
Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: | yes | |
What is your biggest pet peeve:: | people over 5'3 saying they are soooo short | |
Do you drink:: | No. | |
Ever been drunk:: | No. | |
Do you smoke:: | yes | |
Do you "SMOKE":: | yes | |
Do you sing:: | Yes | |
What color underwear do you have on:: | red plaid boxers | |
Do you want to go to college:: | No. | |
Have you ever been in love:: | Yes. | |
Do you wnat to get married:: | Maybe | |
Do you believe in yourself:: | kind of | |
Do you believe in others:: | Yes | |
Do you like thunderstorms:: | not often | |
Do you play an instrument:: | yes | |
What do you want to be when you grow up:: | musician or actor | |
what country would you like to visit:: | ireland | |
how many CD's do you own:: | too many | |
how many DVD's do you own:: | not many maybe 10 | |
how many tattoo's do you have:: | None | |
how many piercings do yo have:: | 2 | |
how many things in the past do you regret:: | a lot | |
shoes:: | Platforms | |
radio station:: | pandor | |
drink:: | water | |
car:: | bugs or hearse | |
place:: | amusment park or mall | |
song:: | too many to pick | |
movie:: | cry baby 1990 | |
color:: | Rreen and black and pink and purple and blue | |
meal:: | KFC or taco bell | |
favorite eye color:: | blue or green | |
favorite hair color:: | dyed or blonde | |
short or long hair:: | long | |
height:: | any but short like me is best | |
body type:: | any | |
does ethnicity matter:: | Wno | |
piercings:: | love them | |
tattoos:: | love them | |
what is todays date:: | October 3rd 2024 | |
what time is it:: | 1:41PM. | |
who are you thinking of:: | My dog | |
what are you listening to:: |
| |
do you love someone:: | Yes. | |
does someone love you:: | yes | |
is it raining:: | No | |
how many spacehey friends do you have:: | 341 i think | |
are you happy:: | kind of |

New About Me! (10/3/24)
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