i am new to this place and wanted to say hello ;D! i still need some guidance on what to do here and stuff ;; if anyone would like to chat, feel free to friend me or something :DDD [[i am 20!]]

1 Kudos
i am new to this place and wanted to say hello ;D! i still need some guidance on what to do here and stuff ;; if anyone would like to chat, feel free to friend me or something :DDD [[i am 20!]]
1 Kudos
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Welcome! I like using spacehey as a place to yap about my interests or post mini tutorials on things :) Have fun blogging and making friends!
You can blog about all kinds of things
movie/book/game reveiws
Web and HTML (like sharing cool sites or webrings!)
General life stuff like what you did in a day or a fun day out you went on
pictures of pets are always a favorite
just have fun with it, Spacehey is not a social media platform like others so trying to win the algorithm or whatever doesn't matter, just be you :)
Hi ! Welcome to Spacehey ! =D