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girl u are such a poser

not so trash talking, more ranting bout a girl i knew who was such a poser (the typical hoe that needs to show off in anyway)

so this girl was a schoolmate i had a few classes with (i didn't knew her well) and one day she decided to like pick on me bcs i got together w this guy who she claimed to be HER EX of a 2 DAYS long "relationship"??? bruhhhh -____-

like how hungry and depserate for dick u have to be to say this shit and believing it,, like please have some self-respect. (??) funny thing is that she even was in a relationship with another guy at that time, why would she even care?? like u can pose how much u want with this way older guy who's high all the time, why bother me?

anyway this girl was in a group of friends who were as well some desprerate and insecure bitches and that no one actually liked (not that anyone deserves this butt) LIKE FRRRR they were so convinced to be fire, BRO YALL ARE ALL SMOKE AND NO GRILL, pleasee hahahahah 

anyway they would always ask me during the only lesson we had together IF I HAD ALREADY BROKEN UP WITH THIS GUY, LIKE THE FUCK???

okay so at that time i was very shy and i was pretty much of a geek, i didn't really know how to defend myself and was afraid of overreacting and, as a consequence, lowering my reputation even more so i would always just answer with "ehm why do you even care??" instead of straight up telling them "girl, HOW DARE U asking me something like this, like who are u?? WHO EVEN KNOWS YOU bruhh" (but i didn't and sometimes i'm still a bit sad abt it but hey, now i know how to stand up for myself, yippiee)

i assume these girls are just those typical insecure hoes who needed to show off in any way, like omg i smoke (bitch can't even roll her cigarettes right lolll), hahahh look at my vape, faking daddy issues n shit.

bitch, I at least know ho to have fun with little and don't need to apporval from anyone to know my worth. i do NOT leak alcohool or am stinky of cigarettes bcs someone just can't wait to grow up. very demure, very mindful. i KNOW and ACCEPT what is made for my age and what's not, enjoying each stage of my life without rushing bcs i'm so insecure and i need approval and i need to stand out even in the bad thing. 

fortunately, this poser and all the other trashy subjects are not in my life no more, i am surrounded by good friends and i'm at my highest, living my best life. ofc i still have posers around me but hey, what can i do against it? the idiot's mother is always pregnant, the only thing i can do is just stay with those people who are nice and cool to me and life's good.

thank you for having wasted ur precious time with this brain rot, if you also knew any posers like that in ur life tell me more in the comments, i wanna read ur'e juicy stories hahahah


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