Helloooo hope you guys are all doing wonderful.
Since i havent posted much and i dont have alot to talk about today ill talk about things from the past days.
SOOO to beggin with i tried to bake sugar m&m cookies, i saw this simple recipie on instagram:
and to beggin with, i bought the wrong m&m's. Instead of buying the regular ones i ended up buying the ones that look like mini eggs but i thought "yk whatever, they will taste good without the m&m's anyway. so i began making the dough, and firstly everything went smooth until it was time to make it all into a crumbly dough. I was lucky i didnt have press on nails because that was nastey. But i was so annoyed because i think i added to much flour and sugar because none of it was collecting into a big piece, so i kept adding more butter which probably wasnt a good idea. But i didnt think of it because the dough tasted nice and im not the most skilled cook out there lol. After a while of trying to create something that could resemble a cookie. And i put them in the oven. After a bit i went to check on the cookies and i think i put way to much butter because all of the cookies had melted into a huge cookie </3. The good part is that they still tasted good though but kinda sad since i had so much confidence xd. But whatever, ill do better next time!!!
AND idk if i posted about it, i probably didnt but i got an B on my history Test and im so flipping happy. Like i love history so fricking much. We where learning about ancient rome and ancient greece. I studied well i think because i recognize alot of what they mentioned since i have played ASSASINS CREED: ODYSSEY lol-
And also because i love ancient history and my dad likes it too which motivates me to do well to.
Im also happy because my grandma who is the sweetest woman ever bought me or at least gave me a valentino perfume worth around 2k swedish kr. She also bought me shoes for around 1.6k swedish kr. When i tell yall i love this woman i promise you with everything that has ever belonged to me that i mean it. She was also the kindest and bought me four bottles of my favorite shampoo and conditioner getting two bottles of each, which where all pretty big.
I also had a few tests this week, i had a swedish test i assume didnt go well at all and an science one(idk if that was this or last week) but that one i also dont think went well but whatever. In social study today we had to find 2 real images, 1 real video, 2 fake images and 1 fake video of a person in a group of two(like we need to find them together) and we had to add them into a powerpoint and tomorrow the entire class must guess which ones are fake and real. Me and my partner managed to find all pictures but it was a bit too difficult findging the videos so we didnt do that.
And also you guys follow me on roblox:
MissTECNO aka Jully
i dont think many can add me rn since i have like 199 friends but id appreciate your love!
And ughh this is like my millionth day of wishing id live in america, because i want to go to places like goodwill and crumbl cookie so badly. But its also mostly because Johnnie Guilbert is going to have an show in LA which id love to go to especially since it doesnt cost that much money for me.
( About 20 dollars) but sadly i live in boring Europe.
I pushed out everything my brain could remember hehe, sorry if my blog is a bit dissapointing i just dont know what to post and how to keep my motivation going. But ill try my best next time<3
Hope yall have an wonderful day or evening and i love yall!!<3

Daily blog 2024-10-03
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