For the last couple of years I've been wanting to be less bitter, angry, and less of an overall a$$hole
I think I've succeeded...but now instead of feeling angry all the time now I'm feeling blank, like I'm not exactly sad but I definitely ain't happy neither. Been feeling like a fcking zombie and its messing with my head
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As stated before, supportive friend has returned.
And supportive friend is not a therapist so he has no idea what the f*ck to do.
Let’s see here, try doing things that make you happy? And no, we never do they “YoU hAvE nO rEaSoN tO bE sAd” bs, everyone is valid in their sadness and or nihilism. But. Agree, the school days soon become a never ending endless sameness that ends up dragging on for way to long.but ya, i just simply look at memes to take my mind of of the n e v e r e n d i n g s a m e n e s s
honestly your more helpful than any actual therapist i've been too
just uhh goin through the motions ig, I'll be fine in a couple weeks or days idk
by FeralJoker; ; Report