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Category: Life

fresh start!

hello one and all! it's been a while since i used spacehey, new account to commemorate me moving out of home! ^_^ (and I don't remember my login!)

i'm gonna use this as a way to talk about daily life. new town new blog! I feel like it's so small but i've been here for a few days and there's still plenty to explore so clearly it's not TOO small.

it's so weird having no one else in the house @-@ and at night it's so quiet outside! i'm sure i'll get used to it, i'm just sooooo used to the city noise pollution! it'll probably be good for me to be out here actually. hopefully it doesn't mean when I move back to a city it's too loud! ToT

there's a gas station by the main road about half an hour away on foot, through the forest. they're looking for staff, a few posters for staff were up by the park, so i just finished up an application! ☆

oh! speaking of the main road, just by it, past some forest, is the beach! i wish i'd grown up so close to the beach!! >0< i would have loved it! there's a pier aswell, which makes sense, and a good few boats tied up. a couple are just little sailboats, but there's a proper fishing boat out there aswell! maybe a fishmonger i've not come across yet? we'll see!

we have a proper police station even with the size of the place, which is very good! and a school! which I honestly wasn't expecting. there are waaaay more children and young people here than i thought there'd be! atleast i'm not the young one in a sea of old people!

we have a community centre aswell! there's a little gym inside. maybe i'll have to get my muscle on •3<

i'm gonna go hand in that application before I forget about it! see you later! °u°

- hailey b <3

2 Kudos


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