CRINGETOBER DAY 2: Minecraft Fanart

*see last post (link at the bottom) if you're wondering where this prompt comes from :33

a bit out of my art style today, but I honestly love how it looks. this fr looks like something id save on Pinterest when I was 9 and wish I could draw that well ^__^ 

this is the first time I've used paint markers (my mom gave me some that she didnt want) and it actually turned out so well, drawing with them is so lovely they just glide on the paper and it looks so cool. will definitely be using them in the future 


Cringetober day: 1

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m0xy :D

m0xy :D's profile picture

*licks ur art* yummerss, cool drawing chat!!

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thank youuuu!!! ^____^ :333

by ⛧Max iz Dead⛧; ; Report