In college, I was standing around with some female friends in the quad and this chick I’d never seen walks by me and says I smell nice. I say thanks and then she pushes her nose toward my armpit and says something like “Wow, even your armpits smell good!”
And that, kids, is how I met your mo-
No, no, just kidding.
So what’s a weird compliment you’ve received?
Displaying 14 of 14 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Girl at high school:
"My friend is crazy about your legs. We watch you from behind all the time"
Although she was hot, I instantly felt weirded out by that. People are watching me all the time??
Ooh, yeah, I can see that feeling weird.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
⛦ icarus !! ⛦
"you look like a corpse"...
apparently some ppl's type is "idk he has to look a little dead"
Reminds me of an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
one of my friends one time went ‘I want your boobs’ like really quietly and i was like ‘what’ and she was like ‘nothing’. and now im not. Friends with her anymore
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
''You look weird, want to be friends :3?''
-My best friend when we first met
I kinda love that.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
"youre pretty as a black girl"
"beautiful black queen chocolate skin!!
"youre have a nice body as a *inserts my age* girl"
..why just why :/
Oof, that sucks
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
yeah it does but i got used to it so it doesn't bother me that much anymore (¬_¬ )
by kittyink; ; Report
One of my friends once said my hoodie looked like something you would see if you ate psychedelic mushrooms and I took it as a compliment and he said it was not good or bad so I took it as good 👍
Ooh, that’s an interesting one!
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
In high school, I once had one of the gayest theatre kids (who was very openly gay) approach me randomly and say “*name*, if I wasn’t gay I’d date you.”
And it was so genuine so I still don’t know how to take that. XD
I mean I’m complimented ofc but it was so random.
Yeah, that is weird with the approaching part. Had you been hanging out already it would feel a lot more natural.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
Yeah that’s the thing we basically never talked. It was just out of the blue. …honestly that may have been our only interaction.
by User_not_found_404; ; Report
I have a way of sitting on a chair which defines confidence
This didn’t feel too weird at first, but upon thinking about it, yeah, sitting confidently is an odd pair of words.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
Jon 🐇
I can never remember those, just the complaints
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
John Paul
i’ve been told i’ve had nice veins multiple times
Hanging around with vampires? Or maybe nurses?
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
John Paul
i’ve been told i’ve had nice veins multiple times
That I'm like a rainbow flash bomb
I don’t know what this means, but it sounds powerful.
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
Chaos Conspiracies
ummm i had a guy say he jacked off over ma snapchat avatar wen it was ligit a cartoon ._. n said it was sexi
by DeryckEleven; ; Report
idk his name it was a long time ago
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report
Your current avatar I could see!
by SafeInSanity; ; Report
it was on snapchat m8 nufn 2 do with ma pic on here ma snap pic was a cartoon
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report