My fellow programmers... is there any better feeling in the world than getting a perfect output after pouring your heart into a project for days on end?! I can't imagine there are drugs out there that feel better than this. Part of the reason I chose to major in computer science in college was because of how much pride I got in these achievements.. is this relatable?! Do I just love academic validation lol?

Success in programming
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oopsies haha i should subscribe to ur blog so i can see when u post!!!!!
but yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is absolutely relatable!!!!!!!!!!!! debugging can be so stressful and when that shit WORKS, it's so satisfying ! ! ! !
i literally hold my breath cause the program can feel so fragile and i expect it to fail and i'm ready to crash out, but like... ! when it freaking works!!! it works!!! the output is so clean, no messy error lines showing up and destroying my confidence..........
it was all you!!
OMG TYYYY <3 It is the best thing in the world... you get it!!! Best thing in the entire world, half the reason I enjoy programming at this point lol :P Thank you for the comment :)
by amelia !!; ; Report