welcome to my minecraft (1.8) 100 days blog! ^_^
(last updated 10-6-24)
lets get right into it (≧∇≦)
day 1-5, i spent my time getting iron and resources to build this cozy little loft-house. i mostly relied on my iron chestplate and some iron tools to sustain myself since i didn't feel like getting a full set of iron armor. its really nice in my opinion, i'm happy with it.
edit: furnished it up a little + axe finally broke :(
day 8-11, I FOUND DIAMONDS! along that i got some obsidian so i could make a nether portal.. i also make a staircase into the ravine that's outside the big window of my house. ALSO THE NETHER SPAWN HAD A FORTRESS RIGHT NEXT TO IT??? LIKE WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?? also YES i play with keepinventory on.. DEAL WITH IT!!
day 12, went mining again.. didn't find much but oh well ╯︿╰
day 13-15, i did a LOT. went mining and found diamonds and finally made another piece of diamond armor, made an enchantment table + a WIP room for it, made an enderchest, and most importantly made a farmhouse with a farm attached to it! i had a lot of fun with this and am planning to make a doghouse as well once i have dogs. also.. i found this HUGE lava ravine. it was AWESOME. i also made a little water tower.. just for fun.
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Very nice world so far! Hope to see more of it
Super cool!!! This is the second on of this ive seen! I feel like i gotta do one now ^o^
ya i forgot who did this before but they died on day 3 so i wanted to do one myself lol, feel free to make your own
by B4RR3TT / SC0TCH; ; Report