I'm super lucky to live in a safe area, but I live in North Carolina and it's absolutely heartbreaking to see what's happening in the mountains and in Western NC because of Helene. My friend goes to App. State University and has no idea when she'll be able to go back on campus. The absolute earliest date theyve told people is October 16th. She had a difficult time getting home from her apartment too, because of how devastated the roads were. I'm very apprehensive because September is just the middle of Hurricane season, hurricane season doesn't end until November 30th. I'm very hopeful that we will not see another one, because it would be unimaginable if we did...

hurricane was real bad
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John Paul
i’m not far from yall and my heart hurts for nc
Fellow NC resident, luckily we just got hit with the tropical storm level of things but it's terrible to see some of the stuff going on
My mom and I just watched an interview with a married couple who's house got uprooted in the hurricane, the poor husband's face was bruised up from forehead to chin
it's so saddening and scary to know that this is happening in our state!! I was also super lucky because I'm east of where got hit, but only because of how the hurricane swerved, it was originally supposed to hit where I'm at head on. Kind of terrifying to know that it can just swerve however it wants. I really hope that they're able to get people out of WNC and rebuild :( I can't imagine how devastating and scary it would be to lose everything like that
by smileyblog; ; Report