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Category: Music

Music of the Week 09292024

Entry 1804 10022024

Sooooo. hey! I forgot how to do the introductions for these and I am so so so tired lols. 

Ouggghhhh I love music so bad I love music so bad this is so good for me !!! Anyways. I have words to say and I will not say them. How does that make you feel. :C

I've been spending a lot of time sitting around watching music on my television and a lot of time dying and looking out the window and a lot of time that I really truly don't have and it's putting me into debt.

I finally called to set up a psych appointment (kinda) 'cause I've been putting it off but I can't really because now I have a diagnosis for PMDD which is not my main problem but it is a problem and I do have to deal with it and it's really cool that I had to set up the appointment (/srs) because in this state I am an adult according to the healthcare system so yippie yayyyyy yippie yahooo anyway tmiiii whateverrrrr

look at this pictures!

lili's room but in the morning when they have stuff to do but they suck so they are in bed looking at the sunrise

with my head in the lap of a stranger/I am not a sinner, I am not a saint

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