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Category: Blogging

The Basics: Survey

Personal Basics

  1. What’s your name?  I go by Judah most of the time, but I go by a lot of different names depending on the space I'm in.
  2. Do you have any nicknames? Not really, but my friends call me Juah sometimes.
  3. How old are you?  Nineteen.
  4. What’s your zodiac sign? Cancer.
  5. Where were you born? A hospital. 
  6. Where do you currently live? Apartment.
  7. Do you have any siblings? I don't really say so.
  8. Do you have any pets?  Not really. I would like to have a snake or a gecko at some point. 
  9. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? Bullshit question.
  10. What’s your favorite color? I like orange. It's the only color I like when it's eyebleedingly itself; unlike kill-you orange I don't really care for kill-you green or any other colors that hate you passionately because of how bright they are. I had an extremely painfully orange sketchbook that made me very fond of the color. 
  11. What languages do you speak? Native English speaker. I really need to work on Spanish and Tagalog, which are the other two I'm focused on (but haven't actually learned). 


  1. What’s your favorite food? Honestly really hard for me. I love and will eat anything so long as it's done well. I can tell you one thing I don't like though: meatloaf. There has never been a good meatloaf. It's the food of the devil.
  2. Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)? Chai <3. The love of my life since childhood. 
  3. Favorite alcoholic drink? Can't ever go wrong with something fruity. I'd never turn down a Mexican martini though. 
  4. Favorite movie? 'Fight Club' is by far my favorite. I'm sure there's others I like, but I can't think of any others that could even come close to it.
  5. Favorite book? For fiction I'm very fond of Annihilation. Anything neuroscience-related for things that are nonfiction. 
  6. Favorite TV show? 'Serial Experiments Lain'.
  7. Favorite season of the year? Autumn is the only season I couldn't complain about. There are no cons. I love it passionately and it loves me too. 
  8. Favorite ice cream flavor? Pumpkin
  9. Favorite type of music? Variations of rock dominates my top 3 genres, but I like metal and indie too.
  10. Favorite band/artist? Not Blood Paint <3
  11. Favorite song of all time? It's a bit of a crime not to put the song I'm named after, but Erotic Loving Mercy by Not Blood Paint could never get old to me. 
  12. Favorite holiday? I don't celebrate any holidays really, but I like Halloween just from the themes and aesthetics of the holiday.
  13. Favorite video game? Either Night in the Woods or OMORI.
  14. Favorite place to relax? Bed
  15. Favorite dessert? Arroz con dulce / rice pudding. 
  16. Favorite time of day? I like to see the moon at night and I appreciate the silence of it. 

Childhood & School

  1. What was your dream job as a kid? I wanted to be a radiologist when I was younger. 
  2. What is your favorite subject in school? Zoology was my favorite class when I was in high school. 
  3. Do you have a favorite teacher? I've always had a soft spot for instructors who are extremely sarcastic. 
  4. What was your first video game console? Shrug. Probably some handheld Nintendo. 
  5. What’s something you miss about being a kid? Nothing in particular. 


  1. Do you believe in ghosts? No, not at all or in any capacity. I'm not a superstitious person. 
  2. What’s your opinion on aliens? I am not opposed to the idea of 'basic' or uncomplicated organisms, but I am far more skeptical of the existence of highly intelligent or complex life. 
  3. Do you think people are born good or bad? Not at all. While you can be born with developmental differences that may make you more susceptible to certain behaviors, this alone does not make someone 'bad'. 'Bad' behavior is largely taught or manifests as a result of the environment someone is in- this isn't to say there are no bad people or that it doesn't happen, I just think the idea of someone being born good or bad is very regressive and poses a risk to kids who are perceived by society as 'bad' or 'good' for whatever reasons. 
  4. Is there such a thing as fate? It's not something I believe in, but I think it's fun. 
  5. Do you believe in karma? If only. I think it's fun in some ways but there are issues I have with the concept. 
  6. Are humans the most intelligent species on Earth? It really depends on how you're defining intelligence and if it's being used on a metric that places animals as inherently inferior or not worthy of respect. With my understanding of intelligence I do believe so, but be nice to the creatures. 
  7. What’s your take on religion? I don't have many thoughts on it overall. I try to avoid thinking about it including with what it means to be nonreligious. 
  8. Do you think we’ll see flying cars in our lifetime? On a commercial scale, no. Flying cars are a thing already but I don't see it being widely available to consumers or anyone that is not extremely rich and/or owns a pilot license to operate experimental aircraft. 
  9. Are people too reliant on technology? I think it depends generally, and also depends on how you're defining technology. For the sake of the question I'll focus on computers, phones, etc. In some instances, yes; I think fostering a connection to agriculture and general life skills that can serve to keep you and your community alive very important. However, there are some major benefits to the digital medium.
  10. Should pineapple go on pizza? Yes
  11. Is social media good or bad for society? Ignoring the irony in the fact that this question is being asked on a social media forum, there are pros and cons to it. On one hand I cannot imagine what my life would look like without it, but on the other hand there are some things that cannot be ignored (child exploitation & neglect as a result of social media, the connection between narcissistic traits and social media posting, body image, self-esteem, etc). 

Hypothetical Scenarios

  1. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?  An investment of some kind. 
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Realistically Oregon, but if everything was perfect no matter what it would either be Scotland or New Zealand. 
  3. If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be? Not sure. I don't want to meet my heroes, I think it would just be nice to have dinner with my friends. Would love to have dinner with Jesus Christ though. 
  4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Beans, rice, eggs, spinach and bacon with a side of tangerines. 
  5. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Universal clean water.
  6. If you could time travel to any period, when would you go? Nowhere, it's a scary place out there. 
  7. If you had one superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting.
  8. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? If I'm aware of the change, some totalitarian shithead probably. I'll count down the hours carefully. If not, an author I like. 
  9. If you had to live in a video game world, which one would it be? Bear and Breakfast probably.
  10. If you could read minds, would you? No. I am curious, but at the same time it's much scarier to conceptualize hearing the unfiltered thoughts of others.

Love & Relationships

  1. Are you single, taken, or it’s complicated? I'm ambiamorous and open to new relationships should anything work out with anyone else. Currently dating two people. <3 
  2. How long was your longest relationship? One of my current ones, has been almost a year at the time of posting this.
  3. Have you ever been in love? I would like to think so? I think of love as less of a feeling and more of just the things you do. 
  4. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not really.
  5. Do you believe in soulmates? No.
  6. How do you show someone you love them? Mostly words, often spending time together, sometimes a secret third thing
  7. What’s your ideal first date? Lunch date. The actual restaurant doesn't really matter all that much, but for anything that might turn into a committed relationship a lunch date is the ideal for me.
  8. What’s a dealbreaker for you in relationships? Expectations of monogamy when I am actively in a polyamorous relationship; anything else for the most part is just a given. I can work with communication issues to some extent but for the most part I'm not going to get involved in nor would I be interested in a relationship without something so crucial. 
  9. Do you prefer to be the one pursued or the pursuer? No preference.
  10. What’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you? Knew that I had been missing my dog when I moved out and sent a little plush that looked like her. We will have a spring wedding. 
  11. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
  12. Have you ever cheated on someone? No.

Random Fun Questions

  1. What’s the last song you listened to? Right Before My Eyes by CTE
  2. What’s your guilty pleasure? All pleasures can be guilty if you're loser enough (currently listening to old bands I liked when I was younger; Linkin Park, Skillet, and Korn being the main ones).
  3. Do you have any weird habits? Stimming I guess. The ways in which I stim are not exactly normal to neurotypical people. 
  4. What’s something that always makes you laugh? This fucking video
  5. What’s your most embarrassing moment? Way too hard to determine when I have every anxiety disorder under the sun. Everything is so terribly embarrassing to me 
  6. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Peanut butter on garlic bread.
  7. What’s a talent you wish you had? Practically, math. Ideally more creative-based talents, like singing, songwriting, poetry, dance, woodwork, etc.
  8. What’s a fashion trend you wish would come back? Sillybandz I miss you
  9. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up?  Guitar...I probably never will but I will think of it always
  10. What’s the last thing you Googled?  Sac fungi life cycle
  11. What’s your dream car? Hot Wheels but for real

This or That

  1. Coffee or tea?  Tea
  2. Cats or dogs?   Ughh I usually pick dogs but I think I'm becoming more of a cat person
  3. Night or morning?   Night
  4. Sweet or salty?   Sweet
  5. Winter or summer?   Winter
  6. Pizza or burgers?   Burger
  7. Chocolate or vanilla? Used to be chocolate but I prefer vanilla now
  8. Books or movies? Books
  9. Ocean or mountains? Mountains. I'm growing more fond of beaches and oceans but I have to be in the mood for it
  10. Hot or cold showers? Hot
  11. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
  12. Netflix or YouTube? Youtube
  13. Marvel or DC? Marvel
  14. Batman or Superman? I prefer Batman as a character
  15. City or countryside? Country

'Deep' Questions

  1. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life? It is extremely impractical to die
  2. What motivates you to keep going? Willpower
  3. What’s your proudest accomplishment? At the time of writing this just being in college and living past 18
  4. What’s something you would change about yourself? #Topsurgery
  5. What’s your most treasured possession? I don't really place much value on objects, but I do love the plush of my dog.
  6. What’s the meaning of life to you? Connections, experience and legacy. 
  7. What’s one thing people always misunderstand about you? I think people forget that I am human and I'm literally just some guy
  8. What’s a goal you have for the future? I would like to take some steps towards improving my mental health

Would You Rather

  1. Would you rather live in space or underwater? Underwater
  2. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold? Hot
  3. Would you rather have a million dollars or a million social media followers? Dollars, I have no interest in fame outside of my work should that work be held far enough away from my person
  4. Would you rather have no internet for a year or no phone for a year? No phone
  5. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?  Fly
  6. Would you rather have free travel for life or free food for life? Food, keeps me alive although travel would be nice
  7. Would you rather be famous for something bad or never be famous at all? Never
  8. Would you rather never be able to watch TV again or never be able to listen to music again?  Never watch TV
  9. Would you rather have unlimited time or unlimited money? Time

Travel & Adventure

  1. What’s the farthest you’ve traveled from home? England
  2. Where would you love to travel next? Baffin Bay, Yellowstone, etc...there's so many places I want to go to. 
  3. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever had? Week-long trip to Western Europe.
  4. What’s your dream travel destination? New Zealand I guess. There's not any place I'm super dying to go to where I would place it as something I dream of doing. 
  5. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? It's safer and more fun with other people
  6. Do you prefer road trips or plane rides? Plane rides
  7. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? North Carolina

Closing Thoughts

  1. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? Music
  2. What’s something you’re looking forward to this week? Food trucks..I just want more little treats oh please 
  3. What’s something you learned today? 54% of adults in the US are below the 6th-grade reading level, and 24% are illiterate. 
  4. What’s one thing you’d tell your younger self? Congratulations :)
  5. What’s something you want to achieve by the end of the year? Honors placement

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